



The first of the question was if it can be said that corporate governance has failed to spot the threats and risks in the financial organizations which have caused the financial crisis in US during 2007-2008? The answer to the question as observed from existing research is that there was indeed a state of deregulation observed. Most research studies on the financial crises issue point out how the role of corporate governance must have been adequate in pointing out threats and risks to the financial system in advance. Boards of investment banks were brought under scrutiny as having failed in guiding with the appropriate risk control procedures that would have enabled other financial institutions to be aware much faster. The same institutions were also brought under scrutiny for not having the right governance procedures when it came to ensuring the remunerative incentives were of good quality. Mortgage product quality issues were one of the critical risks that led to the financial crises.
The second question that was addressed in this writing was that of whether corporate governance has been designed to protect the stockholder investments? It can be said that although stock interest’s protection existed to a certain level, pre-recession there was not much consideration given to protecting the stockholder interests. Now when considering the global financial crises situation, it could be said that governance was not instrumental in protecting stockholder investments, stockholder investments were put into much more risk in fact.
The insider documentary was very insightful and it is my view that it captures as much as possible in a very sinister way how the banking systems and financial institutions led the ordinary stakeholders of the company to become scope goats.
Recommend as a policy to protect stockholder investments can be understood in many ways based on the research. Primarily, there must be better guidance for banks when it came to strengthening its risk management practices. Secondly, risk management models have to exist. Thirdly, remuneration structures have to be redesigned and finally the overall state of governance has to be improved.
NZ if the current statistics and research analysis is to be trusted does appear to be heading towards financial crises and must be better balanced by lowering its interest rates.




