



我也将在我的职业生涯中发扬这些价值观。为了在企业管理领域建立一个称职的职业生涯,掌握一些关键技能是非常关键的(Smaby and Crews, 1998)。因此,对自己的长处和短处进行个人评估是有帮助的。正如Savickas(1993)所定义的,优势是指一个人可以在没有太多改进的情况下立即产生影响的领域。另一方面,优势被定义为一个人需要显著提高技能的领域。当我在攻读学位期间进行一个企业管理项目的时候,我意识到,虽然我在一些领域很强大,但是我也需要在一些领域工作才能取得成功。首先,我拥有创新的能力,这使我能够在我的商业管理演示中获得很好的成绩。其次,我对企业管理理念的知识非常有信心,我相信我的逻辑是正确的。第三,我有协调能力,因此我能够与一个4-5人的团队工作,没有太多的麻烦。我认为自己是一个团队成员,能够很好地适应环境。由于我的理论知识非常丰富,我的导师任命我为组长,这对我来说是非常有激励作用的。


Learning is a complicated style so I have been usually writing things in order to grasp them effectively. When I write while learning, I am able to remember that for a long time compared to when I do not write. Also, I am a critical thinker due to which I usually determine the logic of the concept instead of learning as it is. I prefer using reasons and systems to understand concept in order to get a good ability of the bigger picture. This learning style has been adopted due to the fact that I will work at many challenging positions in the organizations which will require critical thinking as the key requirement. Besides this, I have INTP personality which means I am a logician. This personality type is often very rare as most people do not think critically. However, I am proud that I categorize myself as the logician category and acquire qualities such as creativity and vigorous intellect. Besides this, acquiring values is a critical requirement for a competent professional. Values are the things that are important at work and personal life. The values help in determination of the priorities and measures if the life is turning in the way we want to. During my studies, I have always believed in helping others and making sure that my actions do not hurt others.
I shall take these values forward in my professional life as well. In order to build a competent career in business management, acquiring some key skills is highly crucial (Smaby and Crews, 1998). For this, carrying out personal assessment of strengths and weaknesses can be helpful. As per Savickas (1993), strengths are defined as the areas in which one can make an immediate impact without much improvement. On the other hand, strengths are defined as the areas where one needs to work significantly to improve the skills. When I undertook a business management project during my degree, I realized that though I am strong in some areas, I also need to work in a few areas to achieve success. Foremost, I own creative skills due to which I was able to get a very good grade for my business management presentation. Secondly, I am highly confident about the knowledge of business management concepts that I am sure that my logics are correct. Thirdly, I have coordination skills due to which I am able to work with a team of 4-5 members without much hassle. I consider myself a team player and adapt to situations really well. Also due to my vast knowledge of theory, my supervisor appointed me as the team leader which was highly motivating for me.



