



交通堵塞是指车辆行驶速度减慢。在某些拥堵的情况下,交通会停滞不前,没有明显的移动。纽约的交通堵塞是周期性的,也是随机的。交通拥堵的复发形式是交通拥堵频繁发生的一种形式(Hall, 2012)。这是一种交通堵塞的形式,它是由人们购买更多的汽车并使用它们来代替交通工具,或者当他们不得不来回上下班时,等等。这是一种可预测的拥塞,为解决这种拥塞而制定的政治政策将使用一些确定的预测因子。另一方面,随机拥塞是不可预测的(Hall, 2012)。随机拥堵可能会因为一些特定的原因而突然发生,比如某个事件,比如新年,路上发生了一些工作,等等。在纽约,大部分交通堵塞是由经常性的交通堵塞引起的。很多人会在高峰时间在纽约的路上通勤。

这在早上6点到10点以及晚上早些时候产生了大量的流量。纽约人口的快速增长也是原因之一。由于工作和生活质量的原因,越来越多的人从其他州搬到了纽约。随着经济盈余,纽约的私家车使用量增加,出生率上升(Jaffe, 2014)。虽然为了满足人口的需求,公共交通一直在增加,但许多人可能更喜欢使用自己的车辆或出租车。这些可能比过境更方便。虽然以日常交通需求形式出现的经常性拥堵是一个主要问题,但随机拥堵也可能加剧这一问题。如果纽约已经出现了以高峰时段交通形式出现的周期性拥堵,那么随机拥堵可能会加剧这种情况。随意的交通拥堵会导致道路通行能力下降,或者由于下雪或洪水而关闭车道会产生连锁反应。这种影响会增加长时间道路上的交通问题。


Traffic congestion is the name given to the slowing down in the movement of vehicles. In some cases of congestion, the traffic would be stand still, with no noticeable movement. Traffic congestion in New York is both recurrent and random. The recurrent form of congestion is one in which the congestion occurs on a frequent basis (Hall, 2012). This is a form of congestion which is triggered by people buying more vehicles and using them instead of transit, or when they have to commute to and fro work, etc. This is a predictable congestion, and political policy made for addressing this congestion would have some definitive predictors to work with. On the other hand, the random congestion is one which is not predictable (Hall, 2012). Random congestion might happen suddenly because of some specific reasons such as an event, like the New Year, some work happening on the road, etc. In New York, a majority of the traffic congestion is caused by recurrent congestion. Many people would commute on the New York roads during peak hours.

This generates much traffic in the time periods of 6am to 10 am in the morning and later during the early part of the evening. The rapid population growth in New York has also contributed to the cause. More number of people have moved from other states into New York because of work and the quality of living. With economic surplus, there are increased number of private vehicle usage in New York and there is a rise in the birth rates (Jaffe, 2014). While public transportation has been increasing in order to meet the needs of the population, many people might prefer to use their own vehicles or cab. These may be more convenient for them compared to transit. While recurrent congestion in the form of everyday transportation needs is a major problem, random congestion might also add to it. Where a recurrent congestion is already in progress in New York in the form of peak time traffic, random congestion might exacerbate the situation. Random congestion will create reduced road capacity because of a road work, or closing of lane due to snows or flooding can cause a ripple effect. This effect will increase traffic problems over a long stretch on the road.



