





The interviewed was scheduled on 16h Nov, 2016 at 2 PM at the residence of Miss. Keng Zi Deng residing at #420, Lorry, Utder. The interview was scheduled after many calls and emails and finalizing the time and date with Miss. Keng Zi Deng. The interview is needed because with this way, it will be easy to understand the lifecycle of Miss. Keng Zi Deng. This will be helpful in the research being conducted by me for nutrition and healthy activities. The interview person was Miss. Keng Zi Deng. The details were identified while discussion with Miss. Keng Zi Deng. Miss. Keng is 23 years old female. She is 1.58 m and her weight is 70 Kg. She belongs to Asian country, but living in Canada. She has done under graduation, but currently neither she is studying somewhere nor is employed. She is single female with 2 people in the female of age about 25 years. She does her own work herself including shopping, cooking and more. She is more interested about wealth management and dieting habits in the future. She eats mostly outside and hence one reason is to have bad eating habits by Miss.
The interview focus was more to understand the lifestyle, habits, education, age and gender because as nutrition clinical trial, these are most important things that define how the lifestyle impacts. Opening Phase: After the preparation of the interview, the next plan was for opening the interview with the client. Here, the interviewer Junizing and observer Steven took the lead to meet the client with lose weight, healthy diet to control the cholesterol goal. Both Junizing and Steven had verbal greeting with Miss. Keng and introduced by both were followed. Both self-comfort and client comforts were kept in priority so the interview can be done without any problem. To make this interview more comfortable, both Junizing and Steven started small casual talk with Zeng so that interview should not feel boring. Junizing and Steven then discussed the objective of the counselling with the clear established agenda. After this, the interview turned for exploration for more details with actual benefits and offering.



