
代写 英文-管理人员应与实际工作人员保持联系


代写 英文-管理人员应与实际工作人员保持联系

老板们被分配的工作与管理活动相去甚远。这包括食品加工、修车、录入数据、销售产品等。做这些工作的时候,老板们有时不得不弄得脏兮兮的。大多数观察表明,即使他们是老板,他们对任务的实际完成情况也知之甚少。他们大多被认为对慢节奏的工作负有责任,因此最终被解雇。老板们失去了与地面或实际区域的联系,也对他们的业务所处的情况感到惊讶(Stark, 2015)。处理办公桌上的事情只涉及处理数字,而在现实中包括机器坏了,不切实际的要求,肮脏危险的工作和适得其反的标准。他们对这些情况一无所知。一般来说,管理人员已经失去了与真正有价值的工作活动的联系,就像方向盘失去了与轮胎的联系一样。这种隐蔽的概念帮助高层管理人员与实际工作人员取得联系,了解他们的情况,了解工作情况。因此,这是一个很好的做法,可以帮助老板做出正确的决定,这将有助于工人,商业活动,以及消除工人的担忧。
老板们开始了解他们的系统的能力和缺陷,从而帮助他们带来革命性的改变。许多从事卧底工作的ceo都明白这种做法的价值,因此希望定期应用这种做法,以控制自己的业务。本作业探讨卧底老板概念的维度与背景。已经观察到,卧底的概念,即使是新的,是非常有效的,有助于高层管理人员了解他们的业务中正在进行的真正的机制和基础活动(Scharfenberg, 2013)。它还可以帮助他们很好地解决和分析工作条件,员工关系,员工情绪,工作环境和他们的劳动努力。首席执行官可以伪装自己,进入他/她所在组织的正常工作,分析工作的复杂性。它还有助于更好地探索现有的或即将出现的问题,这些问题是由于高层管理人员的错误决策而面临或可能面临的。

代写 英文-管理人员应与实际工作人员保持联系

The jobs that bosses were assigned to were far from the management activities. This included processing of food, fixing cars, typing data, selling products etc. While doing these jobs the bosses have to get dirty at times. It was mostly observed that even though they were the bosses, they had a very little knowledge about how the tasks were actually done. They were mostly held responsible for doing the jobs in slow pace and thus ended up getting fired from those jobs. Bosses lost the touch with the floor or actual area and were also surprised by the situations their businesses had (Stark, 2015). Handling things at desk only involved dealing with numbers while in reality included broken machineries, unrealistic demands, dirty & dangerous work and counterproductive standards. They have no idea about these situations. Generally it has been visualized that management has lost the touch with real value-adding work activities just like steering wheel loses its connection with the tyres. This undercover concept thus helped the top management to get in touch with the actual workers, understand their situation and get knowledge about the work. Thus, it is a good practice which helps the bosses takes the right decisions that will help the workers, the business activities as well as eradicate the concerns of the workers.
Bosses get to understand the abilities and flaws of their system, thus helping them to bring about a revolutionary change in it. Many of the CEOs going undercover have understood its value and therefore wanted to apply this practice at regular intervals to keep their business in check.This assignment discusses the dimensions and background of the concept of undercover bosses. It has been observed that the undercover concept even though new is very efficient and helpful for the top executives to understand the real mechanism and foundation activities going on in their business (Scharfenberg, 2013). It also helps them to solve and analyse the working conditions, employee relationships, employee emotions, working environment and effort of their labours very well. CEOs can disguise themselves and enter into a normal job that is going on in his/her organisation to analyse the complexity of that job. It also helps in better exploring of existing or upcoming issues that are being faced or can be faced by the employees due to wrong decisions of the top managers.




