



例如,一个高水平的测试人员不需要在所有的点上都具备所需的所有优势,反之亦然。与现有的系统相比,传统的评估更侧重于个人的绩效,为个人设定了一套预先确定的目标或目标。个人对实现目标的贡献,以及他们对实现团队目标的贡献都被记录下来,但是个人的优势和其他方面并没有被明确地理解。关于绩效管理的最佳实践和研究表明,在绩效管理中需要有一个协作过程。通过评估进行的绩效管理必须是一个双向的过程,与传统的管理研究不同,应该侧重于使用协作过程(Townley, 2014)。协作过程应该包括绩效评估过程,该过程将寻求现有员工的信息反馈。员工将能够在绩效评估中沟通他们的需求,也应该能够提出他们自己的评估。在目前的组织中,MSS缺少协作过程,因此员工觉得他们的观点没有被传达。
在MSS中,可以看到考虑了个体绩效和相对于群体的绩效,但没有进行群体绩效评估。此外,在自我评估的情况下,MSS没有给个人提供太多的选择,以代表他们的方面的问题。在绩效管理的评估过程中,另一个需要考虑的因素是,反馈除了负面反馈外,还应包括建设性的因素和积极的反馈(Gabriel et al, 2015)。在工作中,积极的批评是必要的,因为员工会更多地了解他们的优点和缺点,而不仅仅是缺点。这会培养良好的工作关系。此外,员工和雇主一起工作将能够朝着更具战略组织性的方向工作。在目前的MSS环境下,关注的焦点仅仅是批评和负面问题。经理只会指出员工绩效中存在的消极因素,而没有给予积极因素的认可。关于批评如何导致个人进步的建设性批评没有被提出。


For instance, a high performer need not have all strengths required at all points, and vice versa. In comparison with the existing system, traditional appraisal focuses more on the performance of the individual with an already predefined set of goals or objectives for the individual. The individual contribution towards meeting their goal, and their contribution towards meeting group objectives are noted down, but personal strengths and more are not categorically understood. Best practices and studies on performance management indicate the need for having a collaborative process in performance management. Performance management by means of appraisal must be a two-way process and unlike traditional management studies should focus on using a collaborative process (Townley, 2014). The collaborative process should include performance review process that would seek information feedback from the existing employees. Employees would be able to communicate their requirements in performance review and should also be able to present their own self assessments as such. In the current organization MSS the collaborative process is missing and hence employees feel their opinions are not being moved across.
In MSS it is seen that the individual performance and performance relative to the group is considered, but the group performance assessment is not done. Also in the case of self-assessment MSS does not give much options to the individual to represent their side of the issues. Yet another required element in the case of the appraisal process in performance management, is that the feedback should include both constructive elements and positive feedback in addition to the negative feedback (Gabriel et al, 2015). The positive criticism is needed in the workplace as the employees would get to know more on their strengths and weaknesses, rather than just the weakness. This will foster a sense of good work relations. Moreover, the employee and the employer working together will be able to work in a more strategically organized direction. In the current MSS environment, the focus is on criticism and negative issues only. The manager would only point out those negative elements that are seen to exist in the employee’s performance, recognition of the positive elements is not given. Constructive criticism on how the criticism would result in improvement for the individual is not presented.




