



马丁·路德·金是20世纪以来最著名的倡导社会非暴力变革的人士之一。马丁·路德·金出生于乔治亚州,他非凡的个人勇气和演讲技巧最终在1955年引起了全国的关注。他和许多其他民权活动家在领导蒙哥马利交通公司的抵制运动后被逮捕,该公司要求非白人让座给白人,并在公共汽车的尾部坐或站(Garrow, 1999)。在接下来的十年里,马丁·路德·金通过非暴力方式组织、演讲和写作了大规模的示威和抗议活动,以引起人们对基于比率的歧视的关注,并要求立法保障非裔美国人的民权。马丁·路德以其独特的演说和调解技巧,成为抵制运动中最有效的领袖。人们认识到抵制运动所强调的更广泛的意义,并迅速认识到印度民族主义者圣雄甘地使用的非暴力策略可能对南部黑人有效(Foner et al., 1970)。他相信遵循非暴力方式的“爱的行动”原则,因为这是争取黑人自由的最有力工具。

尽管马丁·路德·金和帕克斯都是NAACP的成员,但蒙哥马利运动在1957年成立了一个新的区域组织,马丁·路德·金任该组织主席,即南方基督教领袖会议主席(Carson, 2001)。马丁·路德·金是黑人愿望的主要代表。然而,在蒙哥马利,一些鲜为人知的人发起了随后的黑人运动。这张照片是由Robert W. Kelley拍摄的,展示了白人在融入秩序后是如何变得愤怒的。让我吃惊的是,白人攻击坐在车里的黑人。坐在车里的黑人看起来既可怕又绝望。然而,白人包围他们的车,仍然想推翻那辆车,即使它可能会杀死这些黑人。这张照片反映的一个主要问题是,无论你是什么肤色,你生来就是公平的。黑人也需要其他人的帮助,即使他们被视为永远不需要与白人平等权利的低等种族。白人也会变得暴力,尽管他们似乎自己是最高贵的种族(Bennett, 1992)。


Martin Luther King, Jr. is among the best- known advocates from the 20th century to promote non- violent change in the society. Born in Georgia, the exceptional personal courage and oratorical skills of King first ended up seeking the attention of the entire nation in the year 1955. He along with many other activists of civil rights had been arrested after they lead a boycott movement of Montgomery, company of transportation which mandated the non-white population for surrendering their seats to the white population, and sit or stand at the end of the bus (Garrow, 1999). As the decade followed, King organized, spoke and wrote mass demonstrations and protests through non- violence for drawing attention towards discrimination based on rate and for demanding legislation of civil right for protecting the rights of African American population. The initial emergence of Martin Luther took place as the most effective leader of the boycott movement, under the possession of unique oratorical and conciliatory skills. There was an understanding of the wider significance underlined by the boycott, with a quick realization that tactics of non- violence used by Mahatma Gandhi, the Indian nationalist could be effective for the southern population of blacks (Foner et al., 1970). He believed in the doctrine of love operations following the approach of non-violence as it was the most potent tool for struggling for the freedom of Negros.

Even though King and Parks had membership of the NAACP, the movement of Montgomery resulted in the establishment of a new regional organization in the year 1957, leaving King as its president that is of Southern Christian Leadership Conference (Carson, 2001). King was the major representative for aspirations of black population. However, in Montgomery, there was initiation by little known individuals by majority of the subsequent black movements.This picture is taken by Robert W. Kelley showing that how white people became angry after integration order. What surprises me is that white people are attacking black people who sit in the car. Blacks who sit in the car look so scary and hopeless. However, white people who surrounded their car still want to overthrow that car even it will probably kill these blacks.One major problem reflected from this photography is that no matter what color of skin you are, you are born fairly. Black people also need others to help them even though they were treated as lower race that would never need equal right as whites. White people also become violent even though they seemed themselves as the noblest race (Bennett, 1992).



