


本文主要讲的是全球主义者和民族主义者的差异,世界被分为两部分——一部分是全球主义者,另一部分是民族主义者。这两个方面有许多真正的差异,需要制定明确的战略和政策,牢记不同国家的宗教情绪和增长前景(Kacowicz, 1999)。困难和混乱的政治局面将阻碍这一进程,但如果双方愿意合作,以和平与和谐的方式寻求解决办法。这份报告包括了民族主义和全球主义的正面和负面影响,得出了一个结论,全球化仍然是赢家,因为世界需要开放而不是封闭。本篇代做assignment文章由澳洲论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

The world is divided into two parts – one comprising of globalists and other of nationalists. These two sides have numerous real differences which need to be worked out with well-defined strategies and policies keeping in mind the religious sentiments and growth prospects of different nations (Kacowicz, 1999). The difficult and chaotic political scenario will obstruct the process, but if both sides are ready to cooperate for deriving a solution with peace and harmony. This report includes both positive and negative impacts of nationalism and globalism to form a conclusion, where globalization still stands as a winner because the world needs to be open and not closed.
It is agreed that advocating of globalization and economic integration without estimating the risks associated with the same should be discouraged. The objective of globalization is not to jeopardize economies with the fear of being left behind the rest of the world due to more open trade operations and open national borders. These strong sentiments are the catalysts promoting Brexit and emergence of leaders like Donald Trump. This report hence supports the ideology of globalization, even though it is a complicated issue. This is because globalization helps in creating a sense of equality between the rich and poor countries at some point in time. Today, they are defined as the developed and developing nations respectively. Globalization has the potential to transform world into a better place and solve the most deep-rooted miseries of poverty and unemployment. It has given an international platform to every individual irrespective of their language, culture and background (Baylis et al, 2017). All that matters in the modern world of globalization are the talent and potential held by a person. The world today indeed is a global village and everyone is connected, it just needs to find a balance for being a nationalist and globalist at the same time.
The objective of this report is to provide a current overview of nationalism overpowering globalization. Nations cannot function within their closed national borders, and this would not protect the sovereignty of the country rather it would further wreak havoc on its economy resulting in internal war and conflicts. The need of the hour is to promote more balanced and amiable communities for the betterment of mankind.




