



在做出改变的过程中,一种认同感和控制感消失了。人们需要知道正在发生什么,以便理解他们在这个组织中的下一个工作顺序。在这种背景下,意义的制定将是一个非常有用的元素,因为它是人们如何能够利用现有的信息和变化,以便在组织中找到他们的过程立足点(Colville & Murphy, 2006)。然而,有意义并不是一个简单的过程,组织中不同级别的人员需要相当长的时间才能理解正在发生的事情。这是一个迭代的过程。正如研究人员指出的那样,领导者处于决策过程的关键阶段,尽管也有人认为,决策过程的动态性会导致某种形式的对管理控制的蔑视(Kuepers, 2011)。然而,对组织层次有更好抽象认识的领导者将能够更好地吸引人们,并能够促进他们与变化保持一致。它们可以在工作场所带来过程和情感上的协调。
领导者不需要在这里扮演干涉主义的角色,而是通过帮助人们吸收信息并理解他们在组织中所需要的目标来引导人们通过变革过程(Karp & Helgo, 2008)。有时,领导者可能无法有效地从事有意义的工作。研究表明,领导者最终可能会花费相当多的时间来理解工作场所的需求,并达成与愿景形成一致的共识。当领导者花时间参与时,讲道理和讲道理都会受到影响。此外,领导者的能力也会影响这个场景。对不同的组织在某种形式的危机中被推进到变更管理中进行的纵向分析表明,当领导者在做出变更管理过程的意义上落后时,由于团队之间无法达成认知共识,将会延迟或影响变更管理过程。这可能会对变更管理过程产生负面影响。当一个领导者能够让他有效地创造意义时,他就不能以给予意义的形式分享变革的愿景或任何其他现实。


A sense of identity and control is lost during the change making process. People need sense of what is happening in order to comprehend what their next order of work will be in this organization. In this context, sense making will be a very helpful element as it is how the people would be able to draw on existing information and changes in order to find their process foothold in the organization (Colville & Murphy, 2006). Sense making is not a one step process however and it can take considerable time for people on different levels of the organization to comprehend what is happening. It is an iterative process. As researchers point out, leaders are at the crux of the sense making process, although there are also arguments that the dynamic nature of change making will result in some form of defiance of even managerial control (Kuepers, 2011). Nevertheless, leaders having a better abstracted perception of organization levels would be able to engage the people better and would be able to facilitate them to become change aligned. They can bring about both process and emotional alignment in the workplace.
Leaders need not play an interventionist role here, but is more of a guiding the people through the change process by helping them assimilate information and make sense of their required purpose in the organization (Karp & Helgo, 2008).Sometimes the leader might not be able to effectively engage in the task of sense making. As research studies indicate the leaders might end up taking a considerable amount of time in order to understand need of the workplace, and to reach a consensus that is aligned with vision formation. Both sense making and sense giving might be affected as the leader takes time to engage. Furthermore, the capability of the leader will affect this scenario. A longitudinal analysis conducted with different organizations that are pushed into change management over some form of crises indicates that where the leaders lag in sense making the change management process will have delayed or affected as cognitive consensus will not be achieved among teams. This could impact the change management process adversely. When a leader is able to involve him in efficient sense making, the leader cannot share a vision or any other reality of change in the form of sense giving.



