
essay 代寫:美國國防


essay 代寫:美國國防
在太平洋地區,有巨大的美國。到2020年,美國將在太平洋地區部署超過60%的空軍和海軍。 “太平洋司令部”已經有足夠多的軍事威脅需要關注,比如核訛詐、邊界爭端、中國軍事力量的崛起、更頻繁和更猛烈的風暴等。太平洋地區已經存在許多這樣的問題,隨著太平洋地區新的氣候變化威脅,局勢將比以往任何時候都更糟。 U。美國國防部聲稱,在新的氣候變化威脅下,如果未來發生任何此類氣候變化,這些地區將不可能得到控制。世界上一半以上的貿易船隻經過南海,因此,由於中國在這些島嶼上的基地高度擴張,這將是下一個巨大的威脅,因為中國聲稱擁有菲律賓的領土。所有這些因素對美國來說都是有風險的。在未來氣候變化的任何情況下,美國的國防。美國國防部希望用正確的戰略為未來的此類威脅做好準備。作者還有另一個事實,那就是美國總統奧巴馬。中國的國防參與是北極地區不同的。

essay 代寫:美國國防

In the pacific region, there is huge U.S Defence military is deployed and more than 60% of US Air force and Navy troops will be in pacific region till 2020. PACOM has more than enough military threats already to care about like nuclear blackmail and boundary disputes and rising military power of China, more frequent and intense storm etc. There are many such issues existing in the pacific region already and with the new climate change threats in the pacific region the situation will be worse than ever. The U.S Defence claims that with the new climate change threats, it will be impossible to control in these regions if any such climate change happen in the future. More than half of the world’s trade ship passes through the South China Sea alone, and hence, in this case due to highly expanded China base over the islands will be the next big threat because China claims Philippines territories owned by China. All these factors are risky for the U.S Defence in any case of future climate change, and hence, U.S Defence wants to prepare for such threats in the future with right strategies. The writer has another fact that U.S Defence engagement is Arctic region is different.
Arctic area is warming faster ever than any other region on the earth that means in a decade there has been fundamental change in the region from an ocean world of ice to open to human exploration. Northern sea route over Russia and Northwest Passage over Canada both have been extremely important route for travel and energy exploration for many months out of the years. These activities will be changed in to worst nightmare with any change in the climate in coming time and hence U.S. Defence preparing with the new strategies to control these risks and threats in future. Foreign policy and national security took enough time to persuade the U.S military decisions to control the climate change. The writer claims in the last that climate is changing and the military commands will lead to deal with these effects. The support is unavailable even though mission is expanding, and so the military will have to face these threats. Therefore, the conflict is uncertain.



