



本节将探讨项目是如何进行的,方法选择的原因,描述与所使用的方法相关的限制和伦理考虑。本研究采用定性数据设计来研究项目问题。定性研究作为一种方法比定量研究更受欢迎,因为根据Bartes, et al .(2011),定性研究有助于深入了解调查的主题,从而有效地实现项目的目标(Amoako, 2012)。为了收集信息,采用了主要的和次要的数据收集方法。为了收集原始数据,设计了访谈和问卷,帮助分析参与者对讨论中的问题的看法(Amoako, 2012)。该研究的受访者是抵押贷款经纪人组织,这是纳入的标准。参与者的人口统计数据包括来自不同抵押贷款部门、不同年龄段和不同地区的男性抵押贷款经纪人。以这种方式确定的人口统计过程有助于获得抵押贷款经纪人对他们提供的服务的各种看法。为了提高回复率,所有参与调查的受访者都收到了填写问卷的邀请。
所有被邀请的参与者都收到了一份详细的信息表,告诉他们他们的参与是自愿的,他们可以随时离开(Amoako, 2012)。信息表还让他们知道为什么要使用这些信息,以及填写问卷的截止日期。它还通知参与者,只有结果收集将被讨论,任何特定的结果将被称为个人A或个人B,以保持个人细节的匿名性。访谈法是定性研究中最常用的数据收集方法。定性方法更有可能挖掘出参与者特定体验的深层含义。这有助于产生理论上丰富的观测结果。访谈帮助参与者获得丰富的和上下文相关的事件描述。这有助于了解参与者在获得抵押贷款服务或向抵押贷款经纪人提供援助时的经历和感受。为了采访的目的,程工信贷公司的按揭经纪人与其他3家公司的按揭经纪人一起参与了采访过程。就选定参加者的客户服务提出问题,将公司的按揭服务与其他公司的按揭服务作一比较,将会十分有效。


This section will explore how project was conducted, the reasons for methods selection, describing limitations and ethical considerations related to the methods used. This study adopted qualitative data design for examining the project issue. The qualitative research as a method was preferred over quantitative because according to Bartes, et al, (2011), qualitative research helps in gaining in-depth understanding of the topic of investigation and therefore it results in effectiveness for achieving the aims of the project (Amoako, 2012). In order to collection information, primary and secondary data collection methods were utilized. For primary data collection, interviews and questionnaires were designed that helped in analysing the views of the participants with regard to the issue in discussion (Amoako, 2012). The respondents of the study were the organization mortgage brokers and this was the criteria for inclusion. The demographics of the participants included mortgage brokers who were male’s from different mortgage departments, distinct age groups and several locations. The demographic process identified in this manner helped in obtaining various perceptions of mortgage brokers with regard to the services provided by them. All the respondents involved were sent the invitation to complete questionnaires given to them in order to enhance the rate of response.
A detailed information sheet was given to all the invited participants to inform them that their participation has a voluntary nature and they can leave whenever they wish to (Amoako, 2012). The information sheet also let them know why the information will be used and the deadline for questionnaire completion. It also informed the participants that only results collection will be discussed and any particular results will refer to either as Individual A or B in order to maintain person details anonymity. Interview is the most general method to collect data when using qualitative research. Qualitative methods have more likeliness of tapping deep meanings of specific experience of participants. This helps in generating observation which is theoretically rich. Interviews help participants to obtain rich and contextual events description. This helped in gaining the understanding of what participants have gone through and what they feel while obtaining mortgage services or while giving mortgage broker assistance. For the purpose of interview, Cheng Gong Credit Corporation mortgage broker along with 3 other companies mortgage brokers were involved for conducting the process of interview. It will be effective to compare the mortgage services of companies with other ones by asking questions with regard to selected participant’s customer services.



