


本文主要讲教育教学结构研究,Code和Zaparyniuk曾断言,将权力结构转移到学生而不是教育者身上是构建知识、构建社区和在课堂上创造意义的主要要求(Flumerfelt & Green, 2013)。如果不是这样,学生在提高学习方面就会严重依赖于教育工作者,而不会自己采取行动。除此之外,在建立知识建构语境、集体探究语境、为与实践相关的社区发展创造意义语境的过程中,教育者应注重通过社会网络来鼓励学习者的能动性(Flumerfelt & Green, 2013)。本篇个人陈述代写文章由澳洲论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

It had been asserted by Code and Zaparyniuk that shifting structure of authority to the student rather than the educator is a major requirement for constructing knowledge, building community and making meaning in the classroom (Flumerfelt & Green, 2013). If this is not the case, the student has huge dependency on the educator for enhancement of learning and will not act by themselves. In addition to this, educators should be focused on the encouragement of learner agency by social networks in the establishment of contexts for building knowledge, inquiring collectively, and making meaning for the development of community related to practice (Flumerfelt & Green, 2013).
The approach of flipped classroom helps in the provision of framework to the student while moving towards agency by online learning in the utilization of social media as a platform of obtaining peer support and feedback. There can be occurrence of collective inquiry when students end up looking for media resources together, and they end up sharing opinions in the analysis of quality related to these resources (McDonald & Smith, 2013). At last, there can be a development of practice- based community as a team of students focused on similar goals and objectives. The key objective is to move forward and collaborate online communication and face- to- face communication.
The perceptions of student related to flipped class approach range from active collaboration to enthusiastic interest, followed by excitement to include media within the course work. There might also be a sense of concern that the educator is willing to outweigh responsibilities on the student and the educator is not willing to teach sufficient content as directly as possible (Bennett, 2012). Under the effort of providing certain examples related to feedback from the learning on the advantages of flipped classroom, the case study of a high school will be discussed.Similar to the case study, attempts had been put in by Brint and Marcey (2012) for comparing the sense of achievement in terms of final exams considering two main sections at the same high school for an introductory course in biology.




