


本篇文章講述的是為什麼要進行改變,此外,我們將評估海耶斯為有效實施變革而採取的措施對領導人的影響。這個過程的第一步是“創造意義”。在這個步驟中,領導者應該能夠向員工通報實施變更的整個想法。他們必須與員工建立聯繫,讓他們看到比其他人更有價值的東西。 (Smircich & Morgan, 1982, p. 257)本篇功課代寫文章由澳洲論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

Further we would evaluate the implications of steps given by Hayes to be followed by the leaders for efficient Change implementation. The first step in the process is ‘sense making’. In this step the leaders are supposed to be able to apprise the staff about the entire idea of the change implemented. They have to connect with the employees and make them see the things which hold more value than the others. (Smircich & Morgan, 1982, p. 257)
The idea of change can be very confusing and people tend to relate only to the things that have already occurred in the past. Leader therefore must be able to make sure that the employees see the entire sense behind the changes implemented. This would help them to understand the situation better, reducing panic and resistance. When the sense making is done by a particular source or leader, it also removes ambiguity in comprehending the scenarios. For example, if a company is bringing in new technology, the employees might perceive it as a threat to their roles and importance in the organization. However, if the leaders actively form a meaningful disclosure for the employees as well as themselves, they could easily control the implementation of change. Sense making is therefore said to be the act of making a ‘cognitive map’ and understanding the meaning of the situation, need for the changes and future steps to be taken to ensure success of changes being undertaken. (Fiol & Huff, 1992).
However, if this step is ignored, there would remain a gap between the impression made by the upcoming changes and actual meaning of those changes. These changes would only be perceived in the light of the past personal or organizational experiences. Therefore, leaders must not only use past experiences but also do research in the field related to change being made, and come up with their own ideas. They must understand how these changes are perceived by different people at different levels of the organization.



