



独立非执行董事的能力之所以备受争议,主要是因为他们有能力遏制过度风险和欺诈活动。过去曾发生过许多公司倒闭和管理不善的事件,这让被禁者的能力受到了质疑(Bezemer et al, 2007)。公司治理的一些主要问题是安然公司和世通公司的问题然后是澳大利亚的HIH保险问题,然后是哈里斯斯卡菲公司的问题。后来,2007-2008年发生的全球金融危机再次让人质疑独立公司治理给组织带来的能力。评论员们质疑独立董事的角色是否真的对组织有必要,以及他们的能力、角色和职责是否可以重新定义(Long et al, 2005)。在这方面产生了许多问题,支持和反对为什么必须使董事会的大多数独立。



The ability of the Independent non-executive director has been brought under debates mainly because of their abilities to curb excessive risk and fraudulent activities. There have been many corporate collapses and governances in the past and this has brought the capabilities of the INED into question (Bezemer et al, 2007). Some of the main issues of corporate governances are that of the Enron and the WorldCom issues and then of the HIH Insurance issues in Australia, followed by that of the Harris Scarfe. Later, the Global financial crises that occurred in 2007-2008 once again brought into question, the capabilities of what the independent corporate governance brings to the organization. Commentators questioned whether the role of the independent director was indeed a necessity for the organization and whether their capabilities and roles and responsibilities can be redefined (Long et al, 2005). In this context there arise many questions for and against why the majority of the board must be made independent.

If the very capability of the existing INED is to be questioned, then it would logically derive no reason to understand why more independent directors must be created here (Brooks, et al, 2009).Considering some of the reasons why the capabilities of the INED have been brought into question are that of the issues of what is called the independent paradox. The independent paradox results in such cases where the INED is seen to be removed from the actual information source and the cause and effect of such information. An INED unlike the other directors might not be at the source of information, or they might be the receiver of the information and not a person involved in the making of the information. As researchers Long et al (2005) present these are people who are often involved in information and events but from a removed state making them just executive interpreters of the information.



