



朝鲜战争前后,中国出现了一个新的革命政权。国内军事形势动荡不安,反革命浪潮高涨。这场运动的原因包括城市和中产阶级的浪潮,政府在中国的各种核心活动,领导不同城市地区的地方干部,导致了新中国的宽容。这场运动最重要的国内受众是地区和地方层面的革命者(Srauss, 2002)。中国政府的政府试图平衡中国的旧困境,加强对中央指令的响应,以允许地方的自由裁量权的灵活性。因此,这次运动的任务是镇压反革命,同时又有不同的目的。这是在谈论爱国主义在中国,并重申积极分子的特殊地位。在中国有大量的判决和执行。在斯大林统治的两年里,中国各地有数百万反革命分子被判刑和处决。除此之外,由于政府对合作社的宽大处理被政府中止,从而引发了政府镇压反革命运动的恐怖。许多人被当作反革命分子枪毙了。因此,取消对宽大处理的承诺进一步增加了恐怖。除了反革命分子,有时也有人被恐吓和处决。


Around the Korean War, there was a rise of the new revolutionary regime in China. There was a military insecurity in the country and the condition of counterrevolutionary upsurge rose. The reasons for the campaign included the wave in the urbanities and the middle elements, a various hardcore activities in China by the government, leadership of the local cadres in different of urban areas which led to the lenience in the New China. The most important domestic audience of the campaign was the regional and the local layers of the revolutionaries (Srauss, 2002). The attempt of the government of Chinese government was to balance the old dilemma of China and to enforce the responsiveness to the central directives so as to allow the local discretion of the flexibility. Thus, the campaign had a mission to suppress the counter revolutionaries while having different kind of goals. It was to speak about patriotism in China and to reaffirm the special status of activists. There was a large number of sentence and execution in China. Millions of counterrevolutionaries were sentenced and executed in different parts of China during the two years rule of Stalin. In addition to this, terror was there because of the campaign launched by the government to suppress the counter revolutionaries when the government aborted the lenience to the cooperative. A large number of people were shot as counterrevolutionaries. Thus, the cancellation of its commitment to lenience further added the terror. In addition to the counterrevolutionaries, there were times when the individuals were also terrorized and executed.
Thus, the execution of around 800,000 to 20,000,000 people in China led to the rise in terror. The classification of counter revolutionaries was as per the severities of offense. The different categories of counterrevolutionaries led to the combination of the directives which led to the stimulation of the suppression. The campaign’s motive was to expand and strengthen the bureaucratic State power under the control of CCP. This was done by the establishment of different committee to establish district level cites and with the help of the effort to register the counterrevolutionaries from organizations including the factories and the schools. Paternalist terror was also present to dispose the counterrevolutionaries. The prosecution was made effective through the arrests and the pressuring of the suspects. In addition to this, the execution of the counterrevolutionaries was published in public in order to raise a warning for the people through exhibition films, spectacle of the accusation meetings and the trials. The campaign also carried out the process of stirring of the masses in a number of ways through the combination of police and party based organizations. The early years of the regime were also surrounded by the challenges related to the social-political revolutions, external warfare, internal state building and the deployment of terror. The regime was threatened through the weave of terror and paternalism. Thus, it can be concluded that the three goals were enabled with the help of a complex weave of terrorism and paternalism. The People’s Republic of China had entered a new circle of targets, enemies and counterrevolutionaries.



