
instagram 論文:電子營銷活動


instagram 論文:電子營銷活動
與任何電子營銷活動相關聯的第一步包括進行當前情景分析,這將允許企業所有者確定與SWOT(優勢、劣勢、機會和威脅)和競爭對手統計相關的重要方面,而競爭對手統計對於確定企業當前的情景分析至關重要。在營銷活動的初始階段進行這種分析,對於企業做出與營銷進展相關的正確選擇至關重要。它還允許企業確定與當前狀態相關的重要點,這些點可以用於改進未來的營銷活動(Valenzuela, 2013)。在許多情況下,電子營銷被混淆為一個過程,其中涉及對營銷的蠻力,這可能需要企業評估其現狀,然後才能採取適當的方法。營銷活動將需要採取適合企業需要的方法,因為必須考慮許多因素,例如企業的規模和目前使用的營銷策略。所有這些營銷方法都需要仔細考慮,並優先考慮那些最能滿足企業營銷需求的方法。

instagram 論文:電子營銷活動
一旦進行了SWOT和競爭對手分析,業務營銷團隊將需要將注意力轉向確定和調整營銷目標。這是過程中的一個重要步驟,因為它根據優先目標組織電子營銷策略,這些目標將提供與電子營銷活動相關聯的路線圖,以及必須如何遵循該路線圖。重要的是要記住,電子營銷有幾種不同的媒介,每種媒介針對不同的形式和類型的消費者(Smith & Chaffey, EMarketing EXcellence, 2012)。營銷活動必須採用傳統的方法,然後他們可以轉向更複雜的營銷策略。重要的是開始電子營銷活動通過使用傳統和簡單的營銷工具,如電子郵件,VoIP和短信營銷,這也是非常有效的營銷工具,不需要專門的培訓或專業知識。只有成功地利用了這些方法,運動才能進入下一個階段。這一階段將涉及創建一個營銷和電子商務平台,客戶可以登錄並查看產品信息。

instagram 論文:電子營銷活動

The first step linked to any e-marketing campaign involves conducting a current situational analysis which will allow the business owner to determine important aspects linked to SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and Threats) and competitor statistics which is critical to determine a business’s current situational analysis. Performing this analysis at the initial stages of the campaign is critical towards the business making the right choices linked to marketing progressing. It also allows the business to determine important points linked to its current status which can be used to improve marketing campaign in future(Valenzuela, 2013). E-marketing in many situations is confused to be a process which involves brute force towards marketing which may require the businesses to evaluate its current situation before a suitable approach can be adopted. The marketing campaign will require adopting a suitable approach which caters to the businesses needs, since many factors must be considered such as the size of the business and the current marketing strategies used. All these marketing approaches require being taken into close consideration and organized with priority given to the ones which best address the businesses marketing needs.

instagram 論文:電子營銷活動
Once the SWOT and competitor analysis has been conducted, the business marketing team will require turning their attention to determining and aligning the marketing objectives. This is an important step of the process, as it organizes the e-marketing strategies based on the priority objectives which will deliver a roadmap linked to the e-marketing campaign and how it must be followed. It’s important to keep in mind that the e-marketing comes in several different medium each targeting a different form and type of consumer (Smith & Chaffey, EMarketing EXcellence, 2012). The marketing campaigns must adopt conventional approaches to use after which they can turn to more complex marketing strategies. It’s critical to begin the e-marketing campaign through the use of conventional and simple marketing tools such as email, VoIP and text message marketing which are also very effective marketing tools that do not require specialized training or expertise. Only after these approaches have been utilized successfully should the campaign turn to the next stage. This stage would involve the creation of a marketing and e-commerce platform where customers can log on to and view product information.



