



这一条款的解读方式与本案有关。法院在其调查结果中确认,信托契约必须按照其通常的自然含义来阅读,而这种含义是在整个文件的范围内的。其次,法院确认个人在这一普通的自然意义上不同于公司。因此,根据Buss JA的观点,公司必须被当作一个人来对待的观点是站不住脚的。信托契约在其初始条件下将区分公司和自然人。在正在审议的条款中,差异仍然存在。法院还指出,在信托条款的一般和自然意义上,对“人”的提法是自然人。这种自然人将不能担任受益人的职务,也不能担任受托人的职务。但是,所涉及的个人不是自然人,而是公司,因此,在其原始条件下阅读的条款不能适用于公司。应用、问题、规则、应用与结论、IRAC框架、



The manner of reading of the clause has a bearing on the case. The Court in its findings confirmed that a trust deed must be read in its ordinary natural meaning which is in the context of the document as a whole. Secondly, the court confirmed that an individual is different from the company in this ordinary natural meaning. So the argument that the company must be treated as a person did not hold merit according to Buss JA. The trust deed in its original conditions will differentiate between a corporation and a natural person. In the clause under consideration, the difference is still maintained. The court furthermore states that in the ordinary and natural meaning of the trust clause, the reference being made to ‘person’ is a natural person. It is this natural person that will not be able to hold position of beneficiary and also that of a trustee. However, the individual in question is not a natural person, but corporation, and hence the clause read under its original conditions cannot apply for the corporation. Applying, the Issues, Rules, Application and Conclusion, IRAC framework,

Issues: Joseph, Leon and Melanie are in a partnership. Leon has purchased a coffee grinding machine for the company on his own without consulting with the other two partners and he was unable to contact them on phone. Is partnership bound to transaction Leon entered during the purchase? Firm has employees bound to a two-year contract. Partners want to fire their employees. A partnership agreement is usually signed when people enter into a partnership in order to formalize all legal terms for the business structure and running. Now in the case of the partnership agreement, it could be said that when starting a partnership, an agreement might either be written down with a contract lawyer writing down the needed terms, or it might not be written down. Either ways, the agreed upon terms and conditions are enforceable. Some of the elements that would usually be written down in a partnership agreement are that of financial contributions, the profits and losses, the obligations, the dispute resolutions, other agreements such as who can manage purchase on behalf of the company etc.



