



之间存在着明确的分工大国公民和Indonesia-Vietnam公民对文化软实力的观念为基础。美国排名第一,按照公民的日本、中国和韩国。然而,按照印尼和越南文化的软实力自然不是有效的,他们认为中国文化软实力作为一个卓越的承办商(派伊et al .,2009)。中国不是被视为软实力文化通过大国,即使它存在普遍认为这个国家有着丰富的传统文化。以同样的方式,随着经济的软实力,在每个国家,公民认为我们拥有人力资本的最大范围的软实力。已经指出,美国的利率更高的劳动阶级规模和质量也存在相当大的分歧的关键力量和美国(惠特尼et al .,2008)。

还有一个普遍认为美国人口高度教育,它具有科学和技术进步已定性的教育。软实力外交指数再次描绘了一个东南亚的主要力量或分裂。中国、日本和韩国认为最大的基于外交软实力略高于美国(叮,2010)。相反,日本是被印尼和越南高和中国相对相当于美国在整个软实力指数基于外交。印尼人认为,日本和中国利用外交手段在解决基本问题的有效方式在亚洲和关键主权方面比美国(Lee et al ., 2011)。日本和中国之间的敌意,另外是持续这样的索引。公民在国家都不是相信别人利用外交的一种有效的方式。日本和中国的信念,其他亚洲国家之间建立信任失败的原因。


There exists a clear division between major power citizens and Indonesia-Vietnam citizens with regard to culture based soft power perceptions. The US is ranked as first, as per the citizens of Japan, China and South Korea. However, as per Indonesia and Vietnam its soft power of cultural nature is not effective and they consider cultural soft power as a preeminent purveyor to China (Pye et al., 2009). China is not regarded as a soft power culturally through major powers even when it exists a general regard that the nation has a rich heritage culturally. In the same manner, as the economic soft power, in each country, citizens have regarded US to possess the maximum range of soft power human capital. It has been noted that the rates of US are higher over the labour class quality scale and there also exists a considerable divide between the remaining key powers and US (Whitney et al., 2008).

There is also a general agreement that US has a population which is highly education and it possesses science and technological advancement which has qualitative education. The diplomatic index of soft power again depicts a main power or divide of South East Asia. China, Japan and South Korea are of the belief that the maximum soft power based on diplomacy is slightly higher than that of US (Ding, 2010). On the contrary, Japan is rated by Indonesia and Vietnam as higher and China is relatively equivalent to the US over the total soft power index based on diplomacy. It is believed by Indonesians that Japan and China utilize diplomacies in an effective manner for resolving essential issues within Asia and have a key sovereign respect than the US (Lee et al., 2011). Animosity, between Japan and China, additionally is persistent over such an index. Citizens within neither nation are of the belief that others utilize diplomacies in an effective manner. Japan as well as China are of the belief that others fail at building trust between Asian nations.



