


本文主要是讲故事角色和背景介绍,主要的角色,玛莎,是在爱包括塞巴斯蒂亚,谁已经在镇上附身。Martha的压力是按照marry Manelic,一个牧羊人,就像关于Sebastia的设计。他的成就目的是抵抗谣言塞巴斯蒂亚和玛莎的联盟的目的是嫁给一个富有的女继承人(莫里斯,2016)。主角曾是早期文学效果和浪漫主义的集大成者,为整个加泰罗尼亚文学运动提供了典型的主题。本篇留学生作业代写文章由澳洲论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

The primary character, Martha, is within love including Sebastià, whosoever has possessed on the town. Martha is pressured in accordance with marry Manelic, a shepherd, as like per the design concerning Sebastià. His accomplishment purpose was resistant rumors concerning the alliance within Sebastià and Martha for the purpose of marrying a rich heiress (Morris, 2016). The lead was once a aggregate concerning incipient literary effect and romanticism which provided quintessential themes throughout the Catalan literary movement.
Guimerà’s Terra Baixa was once a parable employ of present day cooking within the plains about Catalan shut after the Pyrenees. With its removal beside Catalan among Italian yet German, Terra Baixa is holding the hallmarks in relation with cutting-edge naturalism. These hallmarks encompass pervasive pessimism, fatalistic fruits over contest violence, then graphical account regarding dissimilation or deprivation (Pregelj and Kozak, 2011). This warfare is situated by means of Guimerà with the honor in imitation of contemporary conventional woe in Catalonia. There was additional contribution according to decorate the physic credentials over the play. This is mainly within the extreme affluence with cutting-edge background beneath the blight view of poverty.
Everything started off with Terra Baixa and hence, its translation was done in several different languages. There has been an adaptation of several other operas following attributes provided in dominating musical codes related to specific cultures that were lyric drama in France and Verism in Germany (Saumell, 2007). The importance of Catalan language and culture has become greater in the current century as it can be categorized as the superficial and ephemeral age. An era of globalization is precise when there is a need of people for experiencing cultural identity.




