



Lee et al.(2017)认为美沙酮治愈率是一个重要的指标,对衡量治疗的有效性具有支持作用。患者可以在这个项目中停留更长时间,可以远离药物的使用。更长时间的美沙酮疗程为患者提供了更多的机会,使其获得更有效的治疗。教育水平、婚姻状况、年龄、支付方式等多种因素都会影响留任率。分析表明,与未婚患者相比,自费、离异和年轻患者的保留率较低。在这方面,美沙酮的方法减少了海洛因依赖的危险,各种与吸毒有关的疾病。与此同时,Lowry(2012)描述了药物成瘾与精神疾病和药物过量有关,海洛因是人们上瘾的原因,他们上瘾是因为现在他们不能离开药物生存。摘要药物成瘾是一种由表观遗传、遗传、环境和药物诱导等因素共同作用而引起的慢性强迫性脑萎缩疾病。许多人对非医用阿片类镇痛药和海洛因上瘾,这对他们的健康和社会福利是危险的。

Gossop(2016)强调药物或药物过量会对人体产生很大的影响。吸毒成瘾会成为死亡的一个原因。去甲肾上腺素能系统和5 -羟色胺能系统这两种基因系统是导致药物成瘾的原因,当这两种系统不能正常工作时,这种情况就会导致药物成瘾。大多数人使用阿片类止痛药作为一种药物来减轻他们的疼痛。去甲肾上腺素能系统与多脑功能相关,与药物行为和成瘾有关,包括情绪、压力和记忆反应,而血清素则是防御突触动机、可塑性和强化程序的关键。与此同时,Lowry(2012)描述了压力是药物成瘾的主要原因,因为压力是不同类型疾病的一个原因。在当今时代,大多数人都承受着压力,面对着身体的疼痛。他们希望通过使用药物来快速缓解这种情况,这是社区吸毒成瘾的一大原因。根据Lee et al.(2017),海洛因是鸦片类药物,它可能会抑制身体的中枢神经系统,如血压,心率,温度和呼吸,但海洛因会增加大脑中的化学物质,提供愉悦的感觉。因此,个人应该意识到他们的毒品习惯及其对身体的危险影响。如果一个人使用了活性拮抗药物,那么戒断症状就会更加危险,这就是所谓的冲动性戒断。因此,个人必须了解药物的使用及其对身体的影响,因为认识到这一点可以增进健康。

In the words of Lee et al. (2017), the treatment rate through methadone is an essential index as it is supportive in measuring the efficiency of the treatment. The patients can retain for longer time in this program and can stay away from use of drugs. Longer stay in the methadone program provides additional opportunities for the patients with more effective treatment. There are various factors such as education level, marital status, age and payment method that can influence to the retention rate. It is analyzed that the retention rate of the patients who are paid for their own expenses, divorced and younger people was low as compared to unmarried, patients. In this regard, the approach of methadone reduces the danger of heroin dependency various diseases related to drug use. Along with this, Lowry (2012) depicted that addiction of drugs is related with the psychiatric diseases and overdose of the medicines and heroin is the reason why people are addicted to drugs and they are addicted to drugs just because now they cannot live without drugs. Drug addiction is a chronic compulsive and waning brain disease, which is caused because of combination of epigenetic, genetic, environmental and drug-induced factors. Many people are addicted to non-medical opioid analgesics and heroin, which is dangerous for their health and welfare for society.

Gossop (2016) emphasized that that overdoses of medicines or drugs can influence the human body in a great manner. The addiction of drugs will be a reason of death. Two genetic systems such as noradrenergic system and serotonergic system are the cause of drug addiction, when these two systems not work properly, than this situation contributes to the vulnerability to drug addiction. Most of the people use opioid pain relievers as a drug to reduce their pain. Noradrenergic system related to multiple brain function, which related to drug actions and addiction including mood, stress and memory response, whereas Serotonin is essential for the defense of synaptic motivational, plasticity and reinforcement procedures. Along with this, Lowry (2012) described that stress is the big reason of drugs addiction as stress is a cause of different types of diseases. In the present era, most of people are under stressed and facing pain in their body. They want to get quick relief for this by using the drugs, which is a big reason of drug addiction in the community. According to Lee et al. (2017), heroin is the opiate drug, which may restrain to central nervous system of the body like blood pressure, heart rate, temperature and respiration but heroin would bind to increase chemicals in the mind that provides pleasure feelings. Thus, the individuals should be aware of their drug habits and its dangerous impact on the body. If an individual uses an active antagonist drug, then the withdrawal symptom would be more hazardous that is known as impulsive withdrawal. Thus, it is essential for an individual to be aware of the use of drugs and its impact on body as the awareness will provide a better health.




