



在这个项目中,我把大部分的时间花在了收集学科和非学科的知识上,以保证我的全面成长。我可以获得任何类型的专业经验,因为我投入我的时间培养我的技能和了解我的弱点(Cottrell 2015)。在我的整个学习过程中,我很有纪律性,认为这是我的优势,因为纪律性帮助我在其他领域获得利益,如合理管理时间和合理使用资源(Ford et al . 2015)。我有互联网,我花了大部分时间研究和收集数据,制定丰富的信息数据库,可以帮助我的职业前景。我未来的职业道路是沉湎于创业领域,成为一名富有的企业家和顾问(Collet et al . 2015)。通过我的课程获得的技能将帮助我达到我的职业方面,因为这些技能是沟通的有效性,正确使用时间,结构化的研究,学习理解和解释信息,并分析它们。然而,由于所有硬币都有两面,我的优势并没有从我的技能劣势中分离出来(Ford et al . 2015)。

这些缺点让我花了很长时间才意识到,因为在学习和自身优势的过程中,我经常忽略了对自己缺点的反思。经过六个月的学习,我发现自己的积极性不高,这已经成为我的一个明显的弱点。这种挫折感让我对课程学习的看法变得低效,注意力高度分散(Ford et al . 2015)。在这里,我受益于一位朋友的干预,他允许我通过与他分享自己的弱点来培养自己的弱点。他告诉我,我花更多的时间在研究数据上,而不是首先发现自己研究的数据是否有效。动力不足是我的第二个弱点。我经常失去动力,因为我很少与我的班主任和同学交流,因此我不能理解我是否在朝着正确的方向前进。我运用自己的沟通技巧,在社交媒体平台上与同学和班主任进行更多的沟通,让他们可以根据自己的喜好回复我。


During this program, I spend most of my time gathering knowledge specific to the disciplines and from non-discipline as well so as to ensure my overall growth. I could gain much professional experience of any kind as I devoted my time on cultivating my skills and understanding my weaknesses (Cottrell 2015). Throughout the course of my studies I was much disciplined and considered this as my strength because discipline helped me to gain benefit in other domains such as proper management of time and proper use of resources (Ford et al 2015). I had the internet at my disposal and I spend most of the time researching and collecting data to formulate abundant information database that can help me with my career prospects. My future career path is to indulge in the domain of entrepreneurship and become an affluent entrepreneur as well as consultant (Collet et al 2015). The skills gained throughout my course will help me reach my career aspects as the skills were communication effectiveness, proper use of time, structured research, learning to comprehend and interpret information and analyzing the same. However, as all coins have two sides, my strengths did not come separated from my weaknesses based on skills (Ford et al 2015).

These weaknesses took me quite some time to realize them because in the midst of course studies and my strengths, I often overlooked to introspect on my weaknesses. After six months into the course, I realized that I am not highly motivated and this has become a prominent weakness for me. This demotivation served me with inefficient outlook towards course studies and highly distracted (Ford et al 2015). Here I was benefited from an intervention of a friend who allowed me to foster my weakness by sharing it with him. He told me that I spend more time on researching data rather than first finding whether data researched by me is efficient or not. Less motivation was my second weakness. I was often demotivated as I communicated less with my class tutors and my classmates and therefore I was not able to understand whether I am moving in the right direction or not. I used my skills of communication to communicate more with my peer groups and class tutors by reaching them on social media platforms where they could reply to me as per their comfort.



