



论点:在新政府上台后,人民币兑美元汇率在下跌后又上涨了约24%,这意味着在人民币兑美元仍有大幅升值机会的情况下,人民币兑美元汇率可能会上涨。在许多市场中,当零售和能源等部门被认为正以指数增长进一步引导经济时,较低的汇率是一个很好的投资选择(Vidal, vida – garcia and Boubaker, 2015)。相反的论点-总是有一个分析,其中一个投资是评估多个因素,其中最重要的是汇率波动及其对海外投资者的影响(Kaliva和Koskinen, 2008)。许多经济学家会认为这种投资是有风险的,会把可能看不到曙光的主要投资者的钱置于危险之中。

反驳-由于投资被认为是特定于行业的,而不是在风险行业,这个论点是不完全有效的,因为药店业务和股票市场业务是大众市场业务,将经历最小的影响,如果曾经的危机将冲击巴西(Generalatlantic.com, 2016)。这削弱了它反对大西洋投资的立场。公司可以通过高估积极的可能性和降低风险,提供多种无形和有形的利益,使投资看起来成熟和可靠(Moreira, Prates and Ferrari-Filho, 2011)。


Argument – The exchange rate after having declined has again gained about 24% to the US dollar after the new government can mean more profits per dollar when the currency has still a chance of gaining significantly against the dollar. In many markets, lower looking currency exchange makes a good investment bet when some sectors like retail and energy are seen to be steering the economy further with their exponential growth (Vidal, Vidal-García and Boubaker, 2015). Counter argument – There is always an analysis where one investment is assessed against multiple factors, and the most important of those are the exchange rate fluctuations and its impact on overseas investors (Kaliva and Koskinen, 2008). Many economists would see this investment as risky, and putting at stake major investor money which may not see their light of the day.

Rebuttal – Since the investment is seen to be sector specific and not in risky sectors, the argument is not completely valid, as drugstore business and stock market business are mass market businesses which will experience the least impact if ever a crisis would hit Brazil (Generalatlantic.com, 2016). This makes the argument weaken its stand against the General Atlantic investments. The firm can provide multiple intangible and tangible benefits by overestimating the positive possibilities and undermining the risks, making the investment look mature and reliable (Moreira, Prates and Ferrari-Filho, 2011).



