


本文主要是講藝術專家保羅·蘭德,這是現代主義思想和他對商業運作模式的看法的明顯證據。這是蘋果公司Think Different海報的第一張海報。他的思路清晰,善於溝通。他之所以被稱為信天翁藝術,是因為他很快就明白了信天翁的影響,並相應地調整了職業預期。本篇論文代筆價錢文章由澳洲論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

This is a clear evidence of modernist thoughts and his views on business working models. This is the first look of Apple’s Think Different poster. His ideas were clear and communicative. He was called the art of albatross due to the reason that he has quickly understood the impact and modified profession expectations accordingly.
Paul Rand is an expert artist in various forms and it is never an easier job to master the art of science fiction but he did. He mixed multimedia with scifi to add quality to the entire art. As mentioned above, manifestos are public declaration of any form of art as chosen by the artist and the artist also chooses it depending on the century and historical age. The synthesist attitude of Paul Rand helped him reflect the lost innocent, subtle thoughts in business, landscape that links reality with the subconscious. His manifestos were changing in due course of time to adapt to the expectations of the people.
As already mentioned, the manifestos prepared by Paul Rand were not only contemporary but equally modern. Many of his art forms showed the presence of futurism. The strengths were his clear reflections in his arts and the extreme quality in the representation that seemed in line with the manifesto declaration. On the other hand, the weaknesses include the less understandable nature in the figurative arts and high volumes of modernism that can sometime be difficult to interpret by common people. All the manifestos by Paul Rand had direct associations with the business statuses of companies living in that century. This could be the reason for his widespread significance. Every aspect of artwork given by Paul Rand was clear and was appropriate in association with the manifesto.



