



阿姆斯特丹的运河开始被视为一种乐趣在17世纪早期,当第一次波西米亚的伊丽莎白女王斯图尔特是一新游行沿着主要运河而阿姆斯特丹的人站在两家银行,给了皇室彩色和热闹的欢迎在船上(Kavartzis,2004;克尔,2004)。这甚至发生在1621年约四百年前。著名的传统游客城市运河上的巡航成为经久不衰的传统城市(Czarniawska,2002)。几个知名人士包括披头士乐队的成员进行了巡航。这是预示着更多这样的节日游轮直到最后这样的游轮沿着运河成为一个共同的特点在Amstel河畔本身以及阿姆斯特丹的运河(Szirmai & Barath,2005)。事实上在城市的景色从一艘船的甲板上或坐在豪华环境和滑翔在令人昏昏欲睡的水道是一个田园梦寐以求的几个旅行者。



The canals of Amsterdam began to be seen as a source of pleasure in the early seventeenth century when for the first time the Queen Elizabeth Stuart of Bohemia was festively paraded along the main canals while the people of Amsterdam stood along both banks and gave colorful and boisterous welcome to the royalty on the boats (Kavartzis, 2004; Kerr, 2006). This even took place in 1621 about four hundred years ago. The tradition of taking eminent visitors to the city on a cruise on the canals became the time honored heritage of the city (Czarniawska, 2002). Several prominent personalities including the members of the Beatles band were taken on a conducted cruise of the city. It was to be the harbinger of several more such festive cruises till finally such cruises along the canals were to become a common feature on the Amstel River itself as well as the canals of Amsterdam (Szirmai & Barath, 2005). In fact taking in the sights of the city from the deck of a boat or sitting in a luxury environment and gliding across the somnolent waterways is an idyll coveted by several travelers to the city.

The sightseeing from the cruise boats deck is about the best way of looking at the sights, the colorful pavement cafes, the trams running across fixed pathways and the people walking leisurely along the plazas in front of the museums, Madame Tussand’s and the several brightly lit up malls (Urban, 2002).  In the present day these cruises have come to stay as a regular feature as more than two hundred boats glide along the several carrying passengers to and from various locations and giving them a memorable ride (Freire, 2005).



