







Assimilation became a part of Australian government policy in 1950 for Aboriginals and foreign nationals. Till 1990’s only white people mainly from Britain and Ireland were allowed to immigrate in Australia. In 1951, Paul Hasluck, the then Federal Minister for Territories followed the policy of Assimilation for Aboriginals so that they will follow the traditional values and culture of the white and assimilate them in their own way of life. The basic aim of assimilation policy then was that all people whether aboriginals or other migrants should accept the values and traditions of the white and start living their lives according to the white’s culture and thus Australia has a single Australian community with similar standards of living for all citizens of the country. The cruellest aspect of assimilation policy was that many aboriginal children were taken away from their parents to foster homes and group care homes to be brought up as whites (Whitford, 2009). These children were known as ‘Stolen Generation’. The aboriginals and migrants till 1970’s were forced to assimilate the white Australian culture. They were deprived of many rights like being excluded for the basic services because of no or very little political recognition.


Multiculturalism helps in building a strong and multicultural nation with united society. The first Department of Immigration in Australia was formed in 1945 by Curtin Government to help the immigrants and the displaced persons. The purpose of Multiculturalism then was to settle the migrants and prevent their social rights and work for their welfare. The multicultural policy earlier was viewed as an instrument for the aboriginals and migrants to follow the culture of Australian community (Smith, 2009).



