



选择的第一个场景是开场场景,可以看到在一首大气的歌曲中渐行渐远,“结束”由大门。这首歌与越南的丛林景色合作,使这一场景充满异国情调。在这种诡异的背景下,以威拉德船长为背景,可以看到忧郁的宋在整部电影中不断地翻滚着,呈螺旋式下降(French, 1999)。正如立即看到的,音乐有助于将图像与时间和地点联系起来。同时,伴随着疯狂的节奏,这首歌帮助观众为即将开始的奥德赛做准备。声音和音乐在这个场景中运用得非常出色,作为一个不同寻常的序曲,它不仅介绍了主角威拉德上尉,还介绍了电影中战争和毁灭的关键主题。


Willard and Lance step out of the boat for finding the commanding officer at the outpost. Strange animal sounds and processed cries can be heard, depicting the increased insanity possessed by the soldiers. These sounds tend to be emphasizing and supporting the scene, while not diverting and confusing the attention of listener, but accentuating the sense of craze for war, along with the increased risk faced in travelling up-river. As Lance and Willard crawl across the trenches of the Bridge, they meet some crazed soldier wildly firing in the jungle. In this scene, Lance manages to climb onto some bags of sand while other soldiers and Willard manage to take shelter from the fire oncoming. At the same point of time, processes off- screen vocalizations of Red Indian can be seen commenting upon the psychedelic link between the desert, peyote and Red Indians. In the scenes selected, primarily, music can be seen setting a hallucinatory, psychedelic tone that helps in placing the film in the historical era of America during the later years of 1960s, while mirroring the surreal scenes under depiction onscreen.
The first scene selected that is the opening scene can be seen fading within an atmospheric song, “The End” by the Doors. This song has helped in making the scene exotic in collaboration with the view of jungle in Vietnam. Under this eerie, with the backdrop of Captain Willard, moody song can be seen tumbling with a downward spiral continuously in the entire film (French, 1999). As seen immediately, the music helps in linking the image to time and place. Also, with the frenzied rhythms, the song helps in preparing the viewers for the odyssey that is going to start. Sound and music has been used brilliantly in this scene, functioning as the overture unconventionally, as it can be seen not only introducing the main character, Captain Willard, but also the key themes of war and destruction to be followed in the film.



