


本篇文章主要分析辯證理論和進化理論在案例中的運用,將辯證理論運用到案例研究中,Openhium確實具有組織內外衝突的特徵。外部衝突是南方分公司生產效率問題,導致南方分公司是否應該關閉的問題。內部衝突的形式是CEO和John Stokes的衝突。斯托克斯和首席執行官之間的這種衝突可能導致一個全新的對立,即創造性地管理商店,從而提高生產力。本篇論文代寫文章由澳洲論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

Applying the dialectical theory to the case study, Openhium is indeed characterized by conflicts both external to and internal to the organization. External conflicts are the productivity issues being caused in the southern branches which have led to the issue of whether the branches should be shut down. Internal conflicts are in the form of conflict of the CEO and John Stokes. This conflict between Stokes and the CEO can result in a completely new antithesis in the form of creative management of the store which could result in increased productivity.
The evolutionary theory is that theory which suggests that evolution in an organization would occur only with change and hence change must be encouraged as part of organizational growth (Aldrich, 1979). Change in the organization similar to the biological changes of evolution would be able to happen in a series of steps (Van de Ven, & Poole, 1995; Feldman, & Pentland, 2003). Some variations leading to evolutions would appear as random chances and others would be planned adaptations (Brown, & Eisenhardt, 1997). Evolution would be recurrent; it would be cumulative and would be progressive. Some entities will fail in the evolution and others might be successful and it would be difficult to predict successes. Variation, selection and retention are the key elements of the evolutionary theory (Weick, & Quinn, 1999).
Applying the evolutionary theory in the case study, the organization could now 1) either successfully adapt and evolve or could 2) not change or adapt and hence not evolve (fail in evolution. By change adapting to include preferable traits, which in this case are that of retaining the productive branches and leaving the nonproductive traits such as that of closing down southern branches, the organization might be able to successfully adapt.
Timing and action of theory with respect to the case study has to be understood before any recommendations are made. This is because the theories are process theories on change and change is an ongoing process for any organization. Some changes are created internally as a response to external events or internal events. Therefore, either ways change would be unavoidable. The life cycle theory is one that allows for complete understanding of where Openhium is at any point in its business. At present Openhium is in its grow to harvest state. Unlike the contention of some researchers where it is argued that theories might produce isolated results, it might not be the case here. If the life cycle theory can be seen as acting on Openhium in a broader sense, then the teleology theory and the dialectic theory are representations in much more specific sense. The teleology theory shows that growth need not be one plan or strategy. It can be multiple way (Van de Ven, & Poole, 1995). There is a defined end point and the way then end point can be reached is not restricted to one way. The mode of change is very constructive. The dialectic theory shows how the organizational development is motivated in conflicts. Conflict theory in organizations is a scholarly branch in itself. Conflict theory recognizes that organizations might not be able to avoid conflicts. Conflict must in fact be embraced as a way to meet organizational development and change. The evolution theory is one that can be said to apply to every state of Openhium. In its inception, Openhium through successful practice adoption was able to show growth in some of its units and because of unsuccessful evolutions was not able to show growth in others. No one theory can hence be said to be more important than another. If the lifecycle theory is able to capture the trajectory growth of Openhium then the teleological theory is able to capture purpose and multiple strategies for growth. So each theory will gain significance based on the perspective it takes to understand the situation of Openhium.



