



用一个目的建造的哈勃望远镜。这是为了找出什么是哈勃常数的价值。宇宙发现的一个难题就是宇宙在膨胀。宇宙学家哥白尼时间了解宇宙本质上是动态的,这意味着宇宙被认为是现有的基于某种形式的动态变化的物质维斯托·斯里弗的使用距离的工作和发现的星系是由埃德温哈勃制定星云径向速度测量。哈勃是记入与发现宇宙膨胀的事实,虽然乔治斯-勒梅特和H. P.罗伯森也出现类似的结果在前面。然而,HST和创建的目的,它是用在M31的造父变星的发现的目的,实际上是连接哈勃和他的发现比别人更多一点。

Hubble site.org是广泛使用的源。这是官方网站了解的技术和更多的当前和过去的作品与埃德温哈勃和他的研究结果。这部分工作是由巴尔的摩和华盛顿地区设计的公共宣传办公室的一部分。现场生产和由太空望远镜科学研究所(OPO更新哈勃网站,2015)。


The Hubble telescope was built with a purpose. It was for the purpose of finding out what the value of the Hubble constant. One of the puzzles in cosmological discovery at that time was that the Universe was expanding. Cosmologists after the Copernicus time understood that the universe was dynamic in nature, and this meant that the universe was seen to be existing based on some form of a dynamically changing substance Vesto Slipher’s measured the radial velocity of nebulae by using the works and findings on the distance to the galaxies that was formulated by Edwin Hubble. Hubble is in fact credited with finding the expansion of the Universe, although similar findings of Georges Lemaitre and H. P. Robertson were seen to precede him. However the purpose for which the HST was created and the purpose with which it was used with the discovery of the Cepheid variable stars in M31, actually connects Hubble and his discoveries more to the point than others.

The image is that of the Cepheid variables in the M100, and as such it is a part of the galaxy. The image was used efficiently by means of the HST. The HST program as such remains open for scientists to use.
The Hubble site.org was the source used extensively. This is the official site to understand the technology and more current and past works associated with Edwin Hubble and his findings. The work is part of the Office of Public outreach that was designed by for the Baltimore and the Washington area. The site is produced and is updated by the Space telescope Science Institute OPO (Hubble Site, 2015).



