


本文主要講述的是公司使用標籤對政府和社會的影響,如今的公司被迫使用更好的標籤,包括詳細的內容信息和道德認證(如果有的話),因為客戶越來越擔心與產品相關的環境和健康風險(Paul, Christine和Stacey, 2014)。此外,今天的消費者有能力通過他們的智能手機在線檢查與產品相關的所有信息。因此,銷售道德產品的公司一度被認為只吸引利基消費者群體;它今天不存在(Holden, 2009)。道德消費主義已經成為吸引更多更好的客戶的最新方法,企業正在使用新的分銷和溝通媒介來證明他們的企業社會責任(BIS, 2014)。本篇論文代寫行情文章由澳洲論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

Companies today are forced to use better labelling with detailed information about the content and ethical certification if any, as customers are becoming highly anxious about any associated environmental and health risks linked with products (Paul, Christine and Stacey, 2014). Moreover, consumers today have the ability to check all information associated with a product online and by means of their smart phones. Thus, companies selling ethical products were once considered as those who only attract niche consumer segment; it does not exist today (Holden, 2009). Ethical consumerism has become the latest method of attracting better and more customers and companies are using new mediums of distribution and communication to prove their corporate social responsibilities (BIS, 2014).
However, as per BIS (2014), 39 % of the people surveyed by them accepted the fact that ethical products are costlier that usual products. Thus, people having lower affordability will always prefer to purchase goods that are unethically produced. Today ethical consumerism is a burning issue among buyers; therefore, it forced governments to take several initiatives to promote green consumerism in place of sustainable consumption (Mooi and Sarstedt, 2011).Green consumerism takes into account sustainable business practices. It forces the companies to return what it takes away from the nature and the natural environment thus helps to maintain a balance (Paul, Christine and Stacey, 2014).
Some of the green consumerism initiatives adopted by the companies are: Toyota introducing its electricity hybrid car Prius, energy efficient electronic goods, fair-trade coffee beans etc. Several international activities like the United Nations Environment Programme have been initiated by the government to enforce ethical consumerism (Nielsen, 2013). Consumers today purchase products that have ethical certification for a number of reasons which include positive self-perception about an individual’s identity and good health and others. However, among ethical consumers, it has been observed that they do not always purchase ethical products (Nielsen, 2013). Nevertheless, according to some researchers, it is a positive way of returning back to the nature and natural environment (Packaged Facts, 2010). It is also a way of preventing further environmental imbalance. The companies on the other hand can also in their ways help to prevent any harm to the nature, animals and human beings (Shaw and Shiu, 2003).



