


本文主要講述的是關於血管形成術,Andreas Gruentzig博士介紹了經皮冠狀動脈腔內成形術作為旁路手術的替代方案,旁路手術使用較少的手術器械(Meier, 2001)。基利出版社。 ,(2003)認為由於斑塊的出現而導致動脈阻塞,即急性心肌梗死,是20世紀70年代中期的一個普遍問題。心肌梗死是由斑塊和冠狀動脈阻塞引起的,在PCI患者中最常見。血管成形術最原始的想法是使用導絲的組合來移除血管中的斑塊,從而治愈患者,而不需要旁路手術(Keeley et al., 2013)。本篇論文代寫行情文章由澳洲論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

Dr. Andreas Gruentzig introduced percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty as an alternative to bypass surgery that uses lesser surgical instruments (Meier, 2001). Keeley et.al., (2003) opined in this regard that blockage in the artery due to occurrence of plaque, known as acute myocardial infarction was a prevalent issue in the mid-1970s. Myocardial infarction is caused due to plaque and the consequent blockage in the coronary artery, most prevalent among PCI patients. The primitive idea to angioplasty was that a combination of guide wires can be used to remove the plaque from the blood vessels to cure the patient without the need for a by-pass surgery (Keeley et al., 2013).
Following the introduction of angioplasty through guide wires, the percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty was developed as the primary strategy to increase the flow of blood in the heart. This method is often regarded as a balloon angioplasty strategy. Subsequent researches and experiments revealed that this form of treatment is quite effective in ensuring recovery of the heart patients with lowered risks (Keeley et al., 2013). Contextually, McGovern et al. (2001) stated that angioplasty is one of the effective methods that can be useful in accelerating chances of successful recovery of the patients who suffered from acute myocardial infarction. It is mandatory to ensure that the quality of care is maintained to nurse the patients back to health. There can be a number of complications in cases of lack of appropriate care. This does not mean that the nurses are complacent it is about deducting and developing appropriate treatment to aide the patients. These have been detailed in the following.
All healthcare service providers had the capacity to serve patients with the benefits of PCI treatment (McGovern et al., 2001). It is observed that certain patients have faster recovery when compared to other patients. It is imperative to look into the quality of care. Topol et al. (1993) opined that in the 1990s, over 300,000 procedures were used in the USA alone to perform coronary angioplasty with a success rate of 85%-90%. Each case and procedure that is performed needs specialized care. As mentioned already, the lack of appropriate treatment can cause a range of complications that can be life threatening and quality of care is imperative. In the case of angioplasty and stenting, there can be numerous risks of angioplasty and stenting. There are many risks that can be managed. The physician might implant the drug-eluting stent or a bare metal stent. These are done to reduce the risks of blood clots.
The plausible complications that can occur in these cases could be collapsing of artery or closing of the artery. There could be damage or bleeding of the blood vessel where the catheter is found to be inside the inner lining of the artery. There could be allergic reaction to the stent or the dye (Rolley et al. 2009). The procedure would lead to the need for coronary bypass surgery. These are performed in the cases where the blockages are numerous or need to treat adequately within the angioplasty. The scar tissue could grow within the stent or require repeat procedure. There could be formation of the blood clot that would require immediate surgery or medical treatment. Plausibility of heart attack, death or stroke increases manifold. Added to these impacts, there would be side effects that arise from the medication. Each patient must be carefully monitored at regular intervals to address any underlying triggers for the specific conditions. This is a highly manual and intricate process that requires scrutiny and advanced quality of services. The nurses have additional responsibilities in the deduction of the complications. Each kind of treatment could potentially give rise to a number of conditions. The different kinds of treatment and after care provided to the patients have been detailed in the following.



