
論文 代寫 價格-安全問題、外國軍隊和違反戰爭法


本文主要講的是安全問題、外國軍隊和違反戰爭法,人權觀察特別關注的是通過外國部隊實施的對政府間工作小組的侵犯。政府的阿富汗,北約和聯軍部隊在2006年使用軍事權力進行了各種反對反政府力量的行動,通過使用基地行動,空襲和導彈襲擊。這些事件造成幾名平民死亡。可以理解的是,阿富汗人對國際部隊肆意屠殺平民的行為感到憤怒。本篇論文 代寫 價格文章由澳洲論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

Of specific focus to Human rights watch are IGL violations done through foreign forces. The government of Afghan, NATO and the coalition forces have performed various operations using military authority in 2006 in opposition to forces of anti-government through use of base operations, bombardment in the air and strikes of missile. These caused killing of several civilians. Understandably, Afghans are outraged through cases wherein global forces have indulged in killing civilians.
230 civilians at the least were killed during the operations of NATO or coalition operations in the year 2006, out of which some were apparent as violating IHL. There does not exist any evidence that suggests that NATO forces or coalition have directed attacks intentionally in opposition to civilians but still in most of the nation’s global forces conducted in-discriminatory attacks or in other cases failed at taking enough precautions for preventing civilians from getting harmed. For example, several military operations of NATO forces have been criticized by Human rights watch in south provinces which caused killing of more than 50 civil people.
With respect to non-governmental actors, however, the Afghanistan domestic law is applied with regard to various insurgent acts briefed in this thesis. The law of Afghan, just as laws in most countries, proscribed common crimes of domestic nature inclusive of murders, assaults, rebels and crimes related to governmental force attacks. This is given in the following acts, laws and legislations: Afghanistan Penal Code, 1976, article 394, article 407, article 491-493 and article 173 to 175 as well as Article 192. People can be prosecuted for such domestic criminal acts additionally to any violation internationally.



