
論文 代寫 價格-海頓的大鍵琴演奏


本文的主要內容講海頓的大鍵琴演奏,海頓的奏鳴曲一直被認為是為羽管鍵琴而寫的,因為在可以看到的樂曲中沒有可以辨別的動態標記。與海頓所發展的音樂的整體風格相比,人們注意到C小調奏鳴曲的簽名(33號,Hob.XVI:20)是有區別的。在這已經發現,有許多動態標記,增加了作品的深度。這與海頓在他的其他作品中所遵循的實踐有很大的不同。儘管如此,它被指定為海頓的大鍵琴演奏,這是不現實的表達在大鍵琴。本篇論文 代寫 價格文章由澳洲論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

Haydn’s sonatas has always be thought of to be written for harpsichord as there are no dynamic marking that is discernible in the compositions that can be seen. In contrast to the overall style of the music that has been developed by Haydn it has been observed that in the autograph of the Sonata in C minor (No.33, Hob.XVI:20) there is a difference. In this it has been found that there are many dynamic markings that add to the depth of the works. This is quite different from the practices that have been followed by Haydn in his other compositions. Even though, it was specified that this rendition was for the harpsichord by Haydn it is not practical to express this in the harpsichord.
There was no real specification for fortepiano in the existing autograph of Haydn Sonatas except the Sonata in E flat, Hob. XVI/49. This has been dated 1790. ‘There can be little doubt that if Haydn had been playing one of his own early, unmarked Sonatas on the fortepiano, he would have made full use of the instrument’s expressive dynamic capabilities’。There should be a wider range of dynamics in modern piano performances and it should encompass proper range and maintain the transparency, lucidity of the textures. This is because they are the two main features of any early keyboard instrument performance. To articulate and phrase the works by Haydin, it can be said that the works of Haydn has not given detailed markings. Pianists have been given the liberty to express the music and the performance according to their discretion. The only factor that needs to be considered in this scenario is that they should be expressed convincingly.
Here are two processed comparative recordings: Horowitz’s version of 1993 and Jen Jandó’s version of 2008. (Music examples)
Schubert is one of the most brilliant composers who have been drastically undervalued in the societies. His brilliance and his creative genius has only been gaining importance in the recent era. On analyzing the different musical composition the true genius and the innate creative talent of Schubert can be understood.



