



In order to ensure proper staffing for the purpose of global expansion in China, the HR management should ensure that the following recommendations are implemented in a proper manner:Consideration of the strategic vision for staffing: The HR must ensure that they are aware of the strategic vision of the company. It is important for the HR to ensure the vision of Apple behind expansion in China. The staffing should be done according to the same. The HR should be precarious about the recruiting process for the external hiring. It is important to ensure that the staffing should be done in accordance with the policies of Apple.
Consideration of the Chinese culture: China is a nation which has a completely different culture. The HR needs to do the select such staff members who can adhere to the culture of Apple and also ensure that the Chinese culture also gets respected. There should be proper training of the staff which makes them aware about the culture of Apple. Also, the HR managers need to ensure that the employees should have a proper knowledge of the Chinese culture.
Knowledge transfer: During and after the process of staffing the HR managers needs to ensure that there is proper transfer of knowledge between the different department workers. Be it that the workers are working in a voluntary manner or an involuntary manner- there should be a proper knowledge transfer. The plans should be designed in such a manner that the knowledge of the employees in Headquarters of apple should be efficiently transferred to the Apple staffs in China. This is important to ensure that there is a minimum impact on the effectiveness and productivity and apple continues to deliver the same brand name in China as it has been doing in other parts of the worlds. Thus it is important for the company that there is an efficient knowledge transfer.




