
論文 代寫 價格-缺乏國際化規劃出現的問題


本文主要講的是缺乏國際化規劃出現的問題,這些都是缺乏國際化規劃這一更大問題的一部分嗎?這些問題及其相互依存的性質可以確定如下。第一個問題是,Jollibee沒有把他們從失敗中學到的東西考慮進未來的策略中。例如,該公司注意到一些與合作夥伴的衝突在他們的處女擴張,但該公司沒有把這作為反饋重新制定新的擴張戰略。同樣的問題在公司後退一步重新評估情況之前發生了多次。本篇論文 代寫 價格文章由澳洲論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

Are all part of the larger problem of lack of planning in internationalization? The issues and their interdependent nature can be identified as follows. The first of the issues is that Jollibee did not factor in what they learned from their failures into their future strategies. For instance, the company noticed some issues in conflicts with partners in their virgin expansions, however the company did not take this in as feedback for reformulating newer expansion strategies. The same problem occurred multiple times before the company took a step back and reassessed the situation.
If problem of learning and improvement has been implemented, then all other problems that Jollibee faced would have bene nonexistent. Conflicting management practices was one of the issues which is deeply tied with staffing problems. If management conflicts and staff issues were handled beforehand there would not have been any staffing problem or issues because of staffing turnover. Similarly, brand image maintenance issues would be caused because of how the company did not assess the local market.
Secondly, in assessing priority, it could be said that some issues are more important than others. Now the importance of issues could be assessed in two ways. What are the issues that have a favorable impact when resolved and what are the issues that have the most detrimental effect on Jollibee’s internationalization strategy if they are not resolved? Now going with the latter, of all the issues the priority could be assigned to the fact that Jollibee was slow to learn and did not factor in lessons learned in failures. If this was to continue as an issue, then Jollibee would never have learned how to be successful in international expansions. However, as the case study showed the first issue was indeed resolved over time as Jollibee factored in some of the lessons learned when they moved to newer markets.



