
論文 代寫 價格-書籍《堅不可摧》的主題介紹


本文主要講的是書籍《堅不可摧》的主題介紹,這本書的兩個主題是戰爭和自我控制。 《堅不可摧》清楚地表明路易無法控制,給許多人帶來了麻煩。事實上,路易的一生都在為自己奮鬥。許多階段來考驗他的自製力。他像個戰士一樣把他們都擊退了。但是這些測試阻止了他成為一個正常的人。在恢復創傷後應激障礙後,他成立了一個非政府組織來幫助那些痛苦的人。他還開始在許多地方發表勵志演講。戰爭極大地改變了他的生活。本篇論文 代寫 價格文章由澳洲論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

The two main themes of this book have been war and self-control. Unbroken clearly stated that Louie was uncontrollable and troubled many people. In fact, Louie’s entire life was spent in the struggle for himself. Many stages came to test his self-control. Like a soldier, he fought off them all. But these tests held him back from becoming and being a normal human being. After recovering PTSD, he started a non-governmental organization to help out the distressed people. He also started delivering motivational speeches at many places. War changed his life significantly.
He again turned into his outrageous self as he used to be in his childhood after being released from captivity. War left horrific memories which haunted him and also turned him into a beast. It is true that Christianity worked as a therapy for him to overcome such psychological complications. While Hillenbrand never portrayed Christianity as a mean of panacea. In reference to his religious inclination, Louie expressed his satisfaction as ““I just thought I was empty and now I’m being filled…and I just wanted to keep being filled” (Hillenbrand, 2010).
Hollowness is another theme that can be noticed in this book. Louie feels hollowness or emptiness too minutely. That is the reason why he stole food in his childhood to fill up the hollowness of stomach. As he grew older, he was empty of any focus in his life, which misleads him to becoming a criminal. At the war camps, he has the objective of freedom which kept him surviving throughout all those extreme physical abuses. But after being released, the emptiness came back and his subconscious brutality rose again. Finally, religion filled that emptiness again to restore his normalcy. “Unbroken”, apart from being the title of the book, is found as a thematic framework as well in this book.
The book accounts how Louie remained “unbroken” when life gave him the toughest tests and challenges. He achieved redemption through the path of Christianity. ‘Unbroken’ can be defined as an admirable ability to be completely self-dependent. Depending on others for any reason causes one to shatter into pieces and the following line supports this view very well “The paradox of vengefulness is that it makes men dependent upon those who have harmed them, believing that their release from pain will come only when their tormentors suffer” (Hillenbrand, 2010).



