



这种情况发展受伤组织形式1路的阀门时,允许空气进入胸膜自然空间和防止空气泄漏。这个条件迅速发展到呼吸衰竭、心血管崩溃,并最终死亡,如果未识别的和未经处理的。良好的病人结果需要紧急诊断和直接管理”(p.34 Sharma &金达尔,2008)。肺壁的影响称为张力性气胸和开放的破裂是一个开放的气胸。理查兹先生没有一个开放的伤害只有创伤系列x射线,左气胸诊断,表明有升级的机会如果胸膜的空气空间不是松了一口气。理查兹先生的警觉性下降再次表明空气入口导致减少氧气的供应。在药物治疗气胸的环境中,只涉及一些基础治疗引起的气胸(戴利,2015)。

在胸管插入需要的肺气肿的病人可能有并发症,因为在这种情况下,它可能是必要的管理预防性抗生素的病人。此外,病人将胸部不适,因为使用管插入,因此需要止痛药,以减轻病人不适和疼痛。胸管插入和所需的UWSD都会利马克·理查兹,直到删除所需的止痛剂必须及时提供。此外,管的使用有时会导致肋间神经块和麻醉止痛剂需要用于减少病人的不适。除了局部麻醉药物,可用于过程和疼痛的止痛剂,理查兹先生也会开抗生素。护理的发明在这个状态管理氧气的要求,确保客户定位在福勒的位置和监控排水(Ackley, &中,2013)。


This condition develops when injured tissue forms a 1-way valve, allowing air to enter the pleural space and preventing the air from escaping naturally. This condition rapidly progresses to respiratory insufficiency, cardiovascular collapse, and ultimately death if, unrecognized and untreated. Favorable patient outcomes require urgent diagnosis and immediate management” (Sharma & Jindal, 2008, p.34). Where the lung wall is affected it is called a tension pneumothorax and in the case of an open rupture it is an open pneumothorax. Mr. Richards does not have an open injury and it was only by trauma series X-rays that a left pneumothorax has been diagnosed, indicating that there are chances of escalation if the air in the pleural space is not relieved. The decreased alertness of Mr. Richards is once more a sign of how the air entry leading to lessen oxygen supply. In the context of Pneumothorax, the Pharmacotherapy is involved only in the case of some cause based treatment for the pneumothorax (Daley, 2015).

During chest tube insertion as is required in the case of the patient there might be complications because of emphysema and in this case it might be necessary to administer prophylactic antibiotics to the patient. Furthermore, the patient will be in discomfort because of the use of the chest tube insertion and hence would require analgesics in order to relieve patient discomfort and pain. The chest tube insertion and the UWSD will both be required for Leigh Mark Richards and until they are removed the required analgesics have to be provided in a timely manner. In addition, the use of the tubes will sometimes result in intercostal nerve blocks and narcotic analgesics will need to be used for decreasing the discomfort of patients. In addition to the local anesthesia agents that would be used for the procedures and the analgesics for the pain, Mr. Richards would also be prescribed antibiotics. Nursing inventions at this state would be to administer oxygen as required, ensure the client is positioned in the fowler position and monitor drainage (Ackley, & Ladwig, 2013).



