
論文 代寫 價格-整合談判


本文的主要內容是整合談判,正如在topic 2.1中提到的,團隊可以接觸到整合談判的原則,這是由於團隊與談判夥伴進行公開對話,以檢查他們的業務關係的可視性,以避免產生爭議,從而導致單方面的利益。但是,如果他們堅持自己的利益,並願意帶頭贏得貿易談判的團隊。本篇論文 代寫 價格文章由澳洲論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

As mentioned in topic 2.1, The team has access to the principles of integrative negotiation, resulting from the opening dialogue with the negotiating partners to examine the visibility of their business relationships to avoid having controversy, which led to benefits unilaterally. However, If they adhered to their interests and they are willing to take the lead in winning team of trading negotiation.
The team was preparing for tactics to respond to environmental and local events suggested with valuable information with regional and demographic characteristics. This information illustrates the level of wealth and sustainability within regions that negotiators can realise the situation of our team which is relative helpful for both benefits regarding the potentially negative impacts to local people and limited accessibility to resources and infrastructure in the Tropical Island during visiting.
While the team was giving the vital information of our situation, the negotiators have choices whether to take competitive advantages or compromise. This event occurs an uncertain situation, which leads to win-lose results. For this reason, the team had to emphasise the common goals, objectives and interest to reduce the difference in their conceptual needs. In other words, the team understand deeply on what needs and interests are settled then team can get into redefining the problem set which is providing the alternative solution and way out to beneficial ends.
However, the potential cost may occur for either team or negotiators after giving the other options. To conduct with this problem, the team has to scarify some resource to exchange into business opportunities such as giving them the land for building port providing there has to be further away from Island to reduce destruction of marine resource. This cost would make senses on account of increasing their visits and our income; besides the cost can be invested into tourism parts that will be increasing the number of tourisim and economic growth.



