
論文 代寫 價格-政治危機對發展的破壞


本文的主要內容是政治危機對發展的破壞,巴西的政治危機正在對經濟發展造成嚴重破壞。正是這片土地上的高度腐敗,強化了西方政府的流行觀點。這個國家目前受到政治問題的困擾。這個國家的腐敗問題使投資者在投資該地區或確保國家業務的連貫流動時感到不安。腐敗問題導致這個國家在這種模式下面臨許多問題(Suesh et al., 2012),金磚國家最初被認為有潛力最終領導世界。本篇論文 代寫 價格文章由澳洲論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

The political crisis in Brazil is creating havoc for the development of the economy. It is a high level of corruption in the land that has reinforced the fashionable view of the western government. The nation is currently marred by the political issues. This issue of corruption in the nation causes the investors to feel apprehensive in investing in the region or ensuring a cohesive flow of operations in the state. The issues of corruption cause the nation to face a number of issues in this paradigm (Suesh et al., 2012) The BRICS nation was originally considered to have the potential to eventually lead the world.

However, this cannot be the case given the political ideology. As a nation, Brazil is facing the issues of economic woes. The high level of corruption in Brazil and South Africa has caused the nation to not grow in the arena. The impeachments of Dilma Rousseff, trial of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (Lula) have caused the investors to grow wary of this nation. Similar to this, in South Africa Jacob Zuma is facing similar charges. The lower oil exports of the nation are causing the economy to be stunted in the growth. The oil revenues are down about $30bn in the past decade. The issues of corruption in Moscow are causing the nation to face further issues.

South Africa was also viewed to be a part of the BRICS given the rate of development in the nation. Nevertheless, the ambitious plans to create alternative currency have not been profitable. United States and the European nations continue to have the potential to lead the nations owing to these strong allies they have managed to develop between these countries. There are adverse economic conditions that can be contemplated in the global and the commodity pricing of the goods (Awan, 2012). This is duly taking their toll. The problem with the BRICS economic model is that it expects the BRICS nations to grow in the same pace. This is not possible given the system of the financial markets.

The nations contend these issues and try to develop a cohesive policy. A minimal set back in the growth is considered to cause apprehension in the investors, which causes a panic in the stock market. The once popular BRICS notion is losing its allure in the current times based on these events (Hansen and Wethal, 2016). These have caused the investors to move away from these trends. The problems the BRICS nations face are different in each of these countries (Frank and Frank, 2010). Russia and Brazil have fallen into recession in the current year.




