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The close family members die causing the elderly population to be impacted. The bereavement and debilitating issues cause the quality of life and quality of care to be impacted. The people are found to be dependent on the ways in which these social constructions are made. The issues that the government faces are addressing the rising costs of healthcare, meeting financial obligations and ensuring the quality of care. The elderly people continue to face the brunt of the issues. It is imperative to have a policy in place that addresses these issues. The ways are resource optimization, development of evidence based management care that is relevant to the current times.

Added to this, there must be the use of the information technology tools. These aide towards the growth in the quality of care of the people. A dynamic model needs to be forged.To conclude, the aged care services have a number of issues that must be rectified. There is a need for an overhaul of the current systems to meet the needs of the people. These can be achieved by empowering of the people to meet the needs of the situation and changing the ways in which there are serviced rendered to the aging care population of the people. Cohesion of all the stakeholders is needed to address this issue.



