
论文 代写:人文主义观点


论文 代写:人文主义观点

根据马基雅维利的观点,统治者有足够的胆量,以赢得财富为目标,这是正确的,也是最有效的领导类型。这是马基雅维利的论点,结果是他接受了人本主义的观点,通过人本主义,人类敢于站起来。在文本中,马基雅维利所设想的君主这类人,体现了人文主义的影响(Brotton, 2006,第12-29页)。文本是从个人的角度发展的,在政治权力的位置,有能力做什么,而不仅仅是他们被分配做什么,在神圣的屈从。宗教的使用是一种权宜之计的政治性质的技术,肯定了新的研究在伦理和科学(布朗,1999,页45-101)。这是马基雅维利在人性之光下成功实现的关键目标。

论文 代写:人文主义观点
根据James等人(1979)的观点,人文主义者也是这样一个人,他认为,通过推理或经验获得知识是理解现实的最佳途径(Machiavelli, 1999, pp. 24-69)。对于某些人文主义者来说,这只是一个需要承认的真理,以便能够理解外部世界运作方式的有意义的本质。马基雅维利也相信这一真理,这一点从他不同的文本中显而易见。马基雅维利进一步提出,在《君主论》的文本中,没有任何真正以人民为基础的道德义务。此外,他认为,道德上的腐败可以导致产生基于国家的安全与稳定(马基雅维利,1979,第39-45页)。

论文 代写:人文主义观点

The ruler with enough boldness with an aim on winning over a fortune is one that is true and most efficient type of leadership is present according to Machiavelli. This is the argument in which, Machiavelli results in embracing the idea of humanism through which human beings dared at standing up. In the text, the Prince, the type of human that has been envisioned by Machiavelli reflects the humanism influence (Brotton, 2006, pp.12-29). The text has been developed from the perspective of what individuals, in political power position, have the ability of doing and not only what they have been allocated to do in the divine subservience. The utilization of religion is a technique for expedience of political nature which affirms the new studies within ethics and sciences (Brown, 1999, pp. 45-101). This was the key aim for Machiavelli to attain successfully under the light of humanity.

论文 代写:人文主义观点
According to James et al., (1979), a humanist is also a person, who is of the belief that the best manner by which reality, as it is present, can be understood is by gaining knowledge either through reasoning or by experiencing (Machiavelli, 1999, pp. 24-69). For certain humanists, this only is a truth that needs acknowledgement so as to have the ability of gaining any understanding of meaningful nature of the way in which world externally has worked. Machiavelli also believed in this truth and this was evident from his varied texts. It was further posited by Machiavelli that in the text, the prince, it does not have any true people based moral obligations. Further, he was of the belief that corruption morally can result in producing state based security and stabilization (Machiavelli, 1979, pp. 39-45).



