





Auditors’ responsibility is to detect any misstatement in the financial statements, not to identify the fraudulent activities as per. Auditor has to make reasonable assurance that the financial statements are free from error or misstatement, that maybe by mistake or as a result of fraud. There are two types of frauds; Fraud in financial reporting and misappropriation of assets. In audit of financial statements, auditors are suppose to follow the substantive procedures, in which each and every element of the financial statement is analyzed, like bank balances, assets, where are they, there invoices, their existence and reasonable appropriateness in the balance sheet.  These substantive procedures identify the areas of risks (Jane).

In Satyam’s case, auditors should have looked independently for the bank accounts shown and the number of employees. Independent identification of assets and liabilities should be done in order to justify the continuous increase in the assets and decrease in liabilities, as continuous positive numbers is itself an alarming sign. PWI was auditing Satyam for the last 10 years, this must not have made them unable to follow the professional skepticism attitude, as no matter for how long you have been auditing the company, auditor is not suppose to rely only on the information provided by the company. Identification of fraud identifies the fraud contributing factors; it may be the pressure on the employees to misappropriate assets. They should inform the management about the fraudulent activities, and in the case where management does not take any action, they are supposed to mention the fraud in their report. It is the responsibility of auditors to follow Code of Ethics and fundamental principles like objectivity, integrity, independence, competence and confidentiality (Tommie).



