
論文代寫 推薦:溢價


論文代寫 推薦:溢價
我們承認,遠期溢價之謎可以通過展示系統風險的時間方差的理性溢價來獲得廣泛的理解(Ho和Mo, 2016)。研究人員認為,一種基於不完全理性的方法,將能夠在這個謎題中提供新的見解。因此,Biais(2005)的研究人員之一提供了這樣的發現:持有大量判斷過度自信的投資者,在本質上處於實驗性質的金融市場中,容易遭遇糟糕的交易表現(Kozlova, 2013)。貨幣市場專業人士對信息信號的精度估計過高,是導致市場表現不佳的原因之一。遠期利率從期貨現貨價格反映了市場的預期。

論文代寫 推薦:溢價
無偏假設提供了這樣一種見解:通過考慮風險中性條件和理性預期,遠期匯率被認為是未來即期匯率本質上無偏的預測因子(Lothian, 2016)。因此,不管風險中性假設的外匯風險溢價是多少,下面提供的方程描述了無偏假設。英尺= Et(聖+ k)在上面的方程中,英國《金融時報》是隱含遠期外彙的速度時,稱為t。因此,Et(聖+ k)可以被視為未來的預期匯率在給定的時間點,稱為t + k(哦,和李,2017)。 k表示的是未來關於時間為t的周期的數量。

論文代寫 推薦:溢價

It is to acknowledge that one of the extensive understandings about the forward premium puzzle can be gained as it showcases the rational premia of time variance for the systematic risk (Ho and Mo, 2016). It is suggested by the researchers that an approach which has its basis on the imperfect rationality will be viable in offering the renewed insight within the puzzle. Therefore, one of the researchers namely Biais (2005) provided with the finding that the investors that hold high amount of judgemental overconfidence are subject to encountering poor performance of trade within the financial market which is experimental in nature (Kozlova, 2013). One of the reasons behind the poor performance due to overconfidence is identified to be due to the precision overestimation by the professionals of the currency market on the signals of information. The forward rate showcases the expectation of the market from the rate of future spot.

論文代寫 推薦:溢價
The unbiased hypothesis provides with the insight that through taking the conditions of risk neutrality and the rational expectations, the forward exchange rate is regarded as the predictor that is unbiased in nature for the exchange rate of future spot (Lothian, 2016). Thus, regardless of the foreign exchange risk premium as the risk neutrality is assumed, the below provided equation depicts the unbiased hypothesis.Ft=Et (St+k) In the above equation, the Ft is implied to be the rate of forward exchange at the time that is referred as t. Therefore, the Et (St+k) can be regarded as the expected exchange rate of future spot at the given time that is referred as t + k (Oh and Lee, 2017). k is illustrating the amount of periods within the future with the regard to time as t.



