




从国际法的角度来看,这种关联是令人困惑的,因为国际法中有不同的分支,它们管理着与世界上预防和镇压恐怖主义有关的武装冲突(Talmon, 2005)。虽然关于恐怖主义没有特别或具体的法律,但国际法中存在着一些预防恐怖主义的措施。然而,外国武装分子为美国领导的全球联盟做出了另一项回应,该联盟被用来对抗ISIL,该组织将外国武装分子的流动列为其五大最重要的努力之一。2015年,联合国安全理事会第2178号决议或联合国安理会第2178号决议获得通过,旨在解决与外国战斗人员有关的威胁(Worboys, 2015)。除此之外,还成立了联盟,以协调各种多边努力,这些努力可以用来阻止外国战斗人员流入叙利亚和伊拉克。


The foreign fighters which have risen in different parts of the world are perceived as a major terrorist threat to the countries where they have originated from. It is feared by the nations, and the government bodies may plan and carry out different kinds of terrorist activities as they are trained to carry out different activities or return to their home nations or set up new and different terrorist cells. The western government considers that the Western foreign fighters are a significant security threat. A large number of measures are taken by the foreign bodies in response to the movement of the foreign fighters to ISIS. In the month of August and September 2014, the United Nations Security Council adopted two different resolutions in order to facilitate the effective measures against the movement of the foreign fighters in ISIS. As per these resolutions, the council used the term ‘foreign terrorist fighters’ to associate the foreign fighters in a conflict with the terrorist networks.

From the perspective of the International law, it was confusing to have this kind of association as different branches were there in the international law who governed the armed conflicts which are related to the prevention and suppression of terrorism in the world (Talmon, 2005). Though there is no special or specific law with regard to terrorism, there are a number of measures which exist in the international law for the prevention of terrorism. Yet, another response has been done by the foreign fighters for the US led Global Coalition which is used to counter ISIL which has given the prioritization to the flow of the foreign fighters as one of its five most important lines of efforts. In the year 2015, the United Nations Security council 2178 or UNSCR 2178 was adopted along with the aim to address the threat which is associated with the foreign fighters (Worboys, 2015). In addition to this, the coalition has also been established to coordinate the different kinds of multilateral efforts which can be implemented for impeding the flow of foreign fighters to Syria and Iraq.



