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However, giving them information in printed media will be better. This is the learner who wants to feel constructs and would like to get to assembling and disassembling things. If using interpretive techniques involving a drama, such a learner would be interested in the actual setting up of the drama. Involving them in the making of a drama or props would help them understand better.An affective learner must be targeted by making use of both affective techniques such as music etc. and others. In the case of affective learning, it is necessary to make use of artistic information, a little bit of logic and more to present material.

Right brain learners are dreamers and they tend to see pictures, rhythms, patterns, music and more. In presenting information to them in either interpretive technique oriented way or as a non-interpretive style could be done by means of music, picture exhibits some props and making use of colourful aspect etc. The right brain learner could be motivated to join in feedback sessions on the tourist guide experience they just had. They could be more creative in the form of critical feedback they deliver. Feedback is essential for people in tourist management as this helps them work on interpretations and create better experiences for the audience.The left-brain learner is the more logical and controlled one. This is the person who tends to make use of words, numbers and sequences etc. in such a way that they tend to think rationally always.

For the left-brain learner, it is not necessary to work in many pictures, or music or props. The information can be given as facts to the learner and the learner would be able to process it all right. The whole brain learner is a more balanced learner. The whole brain learner will be able to balance between what they want to see, dream, feel or emote. They would also like to be logical and rational at the same time. This combination seen in the person makes them very standard in learning and is some of the best learners. A tourist guide could present them any form of information and they could still take it in right.



