



自上世纪80年代中期以来,印度的平均增长率集中在每年3.6%左右。这一时期的增长被称为印度教的增长率(Basu, 2004)。然而,由于1991年经济改革所带来的变革力量,情况开始改变。印度经济在1991年的基本改革开放后,平均增长率上升了。在这些改革下,印度遵循贸易自由化和世界市场全球化的政策,向自由市场经济迈进。上世纪90年代末,在这些改革之后,印度经济增长了6.2%。在2000年代末,增长率达到了7.5%。这一增长阶段对国家的发展产生了巨大的影响。这种由自由化政策推动的增长,即使在2007-08年的经济衰退时期,也使印度经济保持了健康的增长速度。
印度2009年的经济增长率有望达到5.3%。经济改革所带来的进展在印度被关闭。正如世界银行所建议的,对经济增长作出最重要贡献的部门是基础设施、农村发展、公共部门改革和取消对劳动力的管制。据国际货币基金组织估计,本世纪初印度国内生产总值为4800亿美元。随着经济改革步伐的加快,2015年中国GDP增长了5倍,达到2.2万亿美元。2015年第一季度,印度国内生产总值(GDP)同比增长7.5%,中国为7%,成为增长最快的经济体。本季度,印度农业增长0.2%,制造业增长7.1%,服务业增长10.1%。印度政府预计2015-16年的经济增长将达到8.1- 8.4%。


Since the mid-eighties in the last century, India’s growth rate on an average was concentrated at around 3.6 percent per annum. This period of growth was called as the Hindu rate of growth (Basu, 2004). However, the scenario started changing because of the transformative force brought about by the economic reforms of 1991. The average Indian growth rate went up, when Indian economy opened its markets after the fundamental reforms of 1991. Under these reforms, India advanced towards a free market economy following the policy of liberalisation of trade and globalisation of world market. In the late 1990s, following these reforms, India witnessed a growth rate of 6.2 percent. In the late 2000s, the growth rate reached to 7.5 percent. This phase of growth had a huge impact on the development of the country. This boost which was propelled by the policy of liberalisation kept the Indian economy growing at a healthy rate even during the period of recession in 2007-08.
India could manage to grow at the rate of 5.3 percent in 2009. The progress brought about by the economic reforms is followed closed in India. As suggested by World Bank, the sectors making most significant contribution to the growth of the economy are infrastructure, rural development, public sector reforms and removal of regulations imposed on labours.As per estimates of International Monetary Fund, India’s GDP at the beginning of the century was valued at 480 billion USD. As the pace was picked up by the economic reforms, the GDP of the country grew five times amounting to 2.2 trillion USD in 2015. In the first quarter of 2015, GDP of India stood at 7.5 percent as compared to China which was 7 percent, thus making India the fastest growing economy. During this quarter, the agricultural sector grew up by 0.2 percent, the manufacturing sector grew by 7.1 percent and the services sector of India grew by10.1 percent. The growth forecast by Indian government during 2015-16 is expected to reach 8.1-8.4 percent.



