


目前,越來越多的人為了醫療目的來美國旅遊。據觀察,人們在美國追求越來越舒適的治療。在當今時代,人們已經註意到中國有很多醫院的情況很差。本文研究了影響我國公立醫院治療質量的質量因素。在中國,衛生服務的提供是在1949年中華人民共和國成立以來的三級發展的基礎上進行的。這三層發展在城市地區包括街道診所,地區醫院和城市醫院。另一方面,在農村地區,它由鄉村診所、鄉鎮衛生院和鄉村醫院組成。有人觀察到,中國政府要求提高對衛生部門市場機制的依賴(Akin等,2005)。從1980年開始,中國人民的生活水平有了很大的提高,人民的生活水平也隨之提高。然而,與此同時,在中國,關於醫療保健的負面評論數量有所增加(Chan et al., 2008)。

衛生保健問題一直受到廣泛關注和批評(白,2004)。據文獻報導,醫療保健已經被發現是低效的。它一直傾向於護理質量差,這是高度集中在藥物和高科技護理和公共衛生不足。有許多因素可能被認為是造成這個問題的原因。一些文獻提出,這樣做是為了鼓勵社會上越來越多的私人部門和公共部門之間的競爭。除此之外,還有其他因素要求政府加強控制。此外,一些人還認為,競爭和所有權是醫療體系中最不重要的部分。另一個原因是低水平的生產力也導致越來越多的停滯。從20世紀80年代開始,人們觀察到醫療服務提供者的數量在增加,但病例數卻在減少(Wang et al, 2004)。


At present, more and more people have been travelling to US for the purpose of medical treatment. It has been observed that the people are pursuing more and more comfortable treatment in US. In the present times, it has been noticed that there are a number of Chinese hospitals in a poor situation. In this research paper there are many quality factors which may affect the public hospitals treatment quality in China. In China, the delivery of health services has been done on the basis of the 3 tier development since the foundation of People’s Republic of China in 1949. This 3 tier development in urban areas included the street clinics, district hospitals and city hospitals. On the other hand, in rural areas, it consists of village clinics, township Health centers and country hospitals. It has been observed that the government of China has asked for a higher reliance on the market mechanisms in the health sector (Akin et al., 2005).From 1980, there has been a great progress in the standard of living, which leads to the increase in the lifestyle of the people of China. However, at the same time, there has been an increase in the number of negative comments with respect to the healthcare in China (Chan et al., 2008).

There has been great concern and criticism over the issue of health care (Bai, 2004). It has been reported by the literature that the healthcare has been found to be inefficient. It has been prone to care of poor quality which is highly focused on drugs and high-tech care and insufficiency in the public health. There are a large number of factors which may be considered to be responsible for the issue. It has been suggested by some of the literature that this is done in order to encourage more and more competition in society between the private and the public sectors. In addition to this, there are other factors arguing for the firmer control by the government. Besides, it is also argued by some of the people that the competition and ownership are some of the least important issues which are the part of the healthcare systems. Another factor for the same is the lower levels of productivity which also leads to more and more stagnancy. From 1980’s, it has been observed that that there is an increase in the number of medical providers, but there is a decrease in the caseload (Wang et al, 2004).



