



它们负责充当中间的软件,因为它们能够接受网络中通过真实的通信接收方模拟的所有流量请求。检查后,如果系统决定授予访问权限,那么防火墙代理将数据发送到指定的计算机(Kaur和Rao 77)。目标计算机的应答被发送到代理,代理服务器将数据与代理服务器源地址重新打包。通过这个过程,代理防火墙可以停止两个设备之间的连接,以确保它是网络上谈论外部世界的关键机器(Kaur和Singh 200-204)。

这些防火墙可以完全检查内容,并根据信息的粒度和特性决定访问。这种细微差别对于网络管理员来说很有吸引力,但是每个应用程序都需要在应用程序级别上单独代理(Jadhav和Agrawal 753-756)。具有代理防火墙的网络在应用程序和广义函数的支持下进一步降低了流量性能和各种限制。这最终导致了可伸缩性的问题,这使得实现“下拉”变得容易。出于这样的原因,这类防火墙并没有被很多人采用。事实上,即使在代理防火墙流行的时候,伸缩性和性能的问题也导致了有限的采用这种方法的能力。


These are responsible for acting as middle ware as they are able to accept every request of traffic coming within the network through true traffic recipient impersonation across the network. After inspecting, if the system decides on granting access then the firewall proxy sends the data to the destined computer ((Kaur and Rao 77). The reply of the destination computer then is sent towards the proxy which in turn repackages the data with the proxy server source address. With this process, it becomes possible for the proxy firewall to stop the connection taking place between two devices so as to ensure that it is the key machine over the networks talking about the external world (Kaur and Singh 200-204).

These firewalls can indulge in completely inspecting content and making decisions of access depending upon information’s granular level and specificity. Such a nuance is attractive for administrators of network but every application requires its individual proxy at the level of application (Jadhav and Agrawal 753-756). Networks with proxy firewall further suffer degraded performance of traffic and various limitations within the support of application and generalized functions. This leads ultimately towards issues of scalability which makes it easy to implement the pull-offs. For such reason, this type of firewall is not adopted by many people. As a matter of fact, even at the proxy firewalls popularity times, the issues of scaling and performance caused limited ability towards adopting this.



