



互联网创造社区:互联网构建虚拟社区,即个体通过特定的社交媒体进行交流,假想跨越政治和地理边界,追求共同利益的网络。这些社区鼓励互动。换句话说,它有助于在不同种族、种姓、宗教和国籍的人之间建立强有力的沟通,最终有助于创建一个强大的社区。它还消除了人们心中的自私感,使他们能够爱国地对待自己的民族和民主。现在有大量的人使用各种社交网站来了解世界各地发生的各种政治运动和其他事件(Bertot, Jaeger, and McClure, 2008)。互联网产生了一个公共领域,在这里所有的人都可以有他们的发言权,构思,讨论和提出他们的意见的各种问题。这些讨论在互联网所支持的公共领域内进行,经常影响政治行动,并导致国家与其人民或选民之间达成动态和重要的协议。总而言之,互联网带来了公民身份的出现,以及公民参与。就互联网在治理中的作用而言,它之所以是一个福音,原因有很多。
互联网不能被政府控制:虽然有很多关于政府控制互联网的争论,但在许多国家,尤其是民主国家,政府一直无法控制互联网的力量。互联网是公民和政府共享信息的媒介之一。在现代社会,社交媒体的作用是非常重要的,以确保高投票率。为了让人们意识到投票的重要性,互联网被用作一个平台。互联网促进了越来越多的公民参与民主,形成意见和选举他们有能力的代表(Layne和Lee, 2001)。对于被认为是任何民主的未来的年轻人来说,尤其如此。互联网重新定义了他们在民主中的角色,赋予他们参与政府活动的大量权力,尤其是通过社交媒体。然而,政府唯一具有合法作用的领域是保护人民的生命不受滥用互联网所造成的虐待。网络引发的虐待包括网络欺凌、色情、毒品、通过社交媒体煽动社会仇恨等。互联网使年轻人无畏,积极参与民主,但不把它作为传播虐待的许可证(Layne and Lee, 2001)。


The Internet creates community: The Internet builds virtual community i.e. a network of individuals who communicate via particular social media, hypothetically overpassing political and geographical boundaries in pursuit of common interests. These communities encourage interaction. In other words, it helps to build a strong communication between people of different race, caste, religion, nationality which ultimately helps in creating a strong community. It also eliminates the sense of selfishness from the minds of people enabling them to be patriotic towards their nationality and democracy. A large number of people are now using various social networking sites to gain knowledge of various political movements and other events taking place around the world (Bertot, Jaeger, and McClure, 2008). The Internet gives rise to public sphere wherein all people are able to have their say, ideate, discuss and present their opinions various issues. These discussions taking place within public sphere enabled by the Internet often influence political action and result in a dynamic and important agreement between the state and its people or voters. All in all, the Internet has led to the emergence of citizenship, as well as civic engagement. There are many reasons as to why internet is a boon as far as its role in governance is concerned.
The Internet cannot be controlled by the government: Although there have been many debates about controlling the internet by government but yet in many countries especially democracies, the government has not been able to control the power of internet. The internet is one of the mediums, which is used by citizens and government to share information. In modern times, the role played by social media is highly important in order to ensure high voter turnout. In order to aware people about importance of voting, internet has been used as a platform. The internet facilitates more and more citizens to take part in the democracy, form opinions and elect their capable representatives (Layne and Lee, 2001). This is, particularly, true for young people who are considered the future of any democracy. The internet has redefined their role in the democracy and has given them multitude of power to take part in government activity, especially through social media. However, the only area where government has a legitimate role is by protecting the lives of people from abuse raised by misuse of internet. The abuse raised by internet can include cyber bullying, pornography, drugs, inciting communal hatred through social media etc. Internet enables the young people to be fearless and take active part in democracy but not using it as a license to spread abuse (Layne and Lee, 2001).




