



撰写这份报告的目的在于评估2015年板球世界杯的表现。本报告旨在为今后成功举办体育赛事的组织者提供进一步的参考。2015年板球世界杯的录像可以为体育组织者有效管理体育赛事提供进一步的参考(Beech, Kaiser, Kaspar, 2014)。2015年板球世界杯是由澳大利亚和新西兰于2015年2月14日至3月29日在澳大利亚联合举办的一项成功的体育赛事。这项赛事由澳大利亚板球委员会和新西兰板球委员会主办,由国际板球委员会(ICC)主办。

这项赛事在14个场馆举行,包括澳大利亚的7个场馆——珀斯、阿德莱德、悉尼、墨尔本、布里斯班、堪培拉和霍巴特。共有49场比赛,14支队伍参加。1992年板球世界杯后,第十一届板球世界杯在澳大利亚和新西兰举行。最后一场比赛在澳大利亚墨尔本板球场进行,澳大利亚板球队以七比七击败新西兰板球队,获得冠军,国际板球锦标赛冠军,澳大利亚获得2015年板球世界杯决赛冠军。澳大利亚是该项目的获胜者,新西兰是该项目的亚军(Church, 2013)。


The objectivity behind the preparation of this report is to assess the performance of the sports event, cricket world cup 2015. This report is aimed at providing the event organizers further references for organizing the future sports events successfully. The video recordings of cricket world cup 2015 can provide further references for the sports organizers to manage the sports events effectively (Beech, Kaiser, and Kaspar, 2014). Cricket world Cup 2015 was an example of a successful sports event that was held in Australia, jointly hosted by Australia and NewZealand from 14 February to 29 March 2015. This event was organized by the Australian Cricket Board and NewZealand Cricket board under the chairmanship of International Cricket Committee (ICC).

This event was played at 14 venues including seven venues in Australia- Perth, Adelaide, Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Canberra, and Hobart. Total 49 matches were played and 14 teams participated in this event. After Cricket World Cup 1992, the eleventh cricket world cup was held in Australia and NewZealand. The final match of this event was played at Melbourne Cricket Ground in Australia which was won by the Australian cricket team after defeating Newzealand cricket team by seven wickets and ICC World Cup Trophy was awarded to Australia for winning the final match of cricket world cup event 2015. Australia was a winner for this event and New Zealand was a runner- up for this event (Church, 2013).



