





在接下来的章节中,研究者讨论并选择了合适的研究技术和方法来有效地进行研究。研究者选择了后实证主义哲学、演绎方法、描述性设计、调查访谈策略、主、二次数据收集方法。研究人员采用概率抽样的方法,选取了10名金融管理和企业管理专业的大学生进行定量数据的收集。另一方面,采用非概率抽样技术选择2位企业家进行定性数据的收集。在第四章,研究者分析了所有的定量和定性数据,以获得研究结果。研究者使用MS Excel对定量数据进行分析,并通过表格和图表进行呈现。


Entrepreneurial imagination has a huge impact on organisational innovation and it is crucial for maintaining competitiveness in the market. Hence, the present study is focused on identifying the key issues that challenge entrepreneurial imagination. In the first chapter of the dissertation, the researcher has described the background of the research topic and the rationale of the research. Moreover, key aim of the research along with research objectives is also developed in this chapter. An inclusive structure of the whole dissertation is also presented in this chapter.In the next chapter, the researcher has critically discussed various concepts and theories on entrepreneurial imagination and innovation. A conceptual framework is also developed in this chapter for depicting the research topic effectively.

Further, the researcher has discussed and selected appropriate research techniques and methods for conducting the research efficiently in the following chapter. The researcher has selected post-positivism philosophy, deductive approach, descriptive design, survey interview strategy, primary and secondary data collection method. The researcher has used probability sampling technique for selecting 10 university students of finance management and business management for collecting quantitative data. On the other hand, non-probability sampling technique is used for choosing 2 entrepreneurs for collecting the qualitative data. In fourth chapter, the researcher has analysed all the quantitative and qualitative data for obtaining research findings. The researcher used MS Excel for analysing the quantitative data and presented it through tables and figures .



